First set of leavs on nodes turned yel.gre after 24dark

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
i put 7 hashberries to flower yesterday and wen i turn the lights today the leavs comming out the the nodes were kinda yellow green i had them 24/7 on a 400mh light and i decided to give 24 hours of complete dark and 15 min before i shut the light i waterd them with flora bloom 5.26.47 200 ppm solution they are on 0.0.0 soil mix with 1/4 perlite. veg i was using 49.3.0 189 ppm at 2 months of growth. i water with nutes every other water day i only use destiled water and the first set of leavs are still on the plant the fan leavs didnt turn yellow/green or the first set
i think its going away after it receives light i have them under a hps400 acro should i feed only water till it goes back ?? or keep on the same feeding sched.
my feeding sched. only flora bloom no micro
1 week flower 5.26.47 200 ppm
2 " " " 214ppm
5."""" 238ppm
8 flush
9 flush

jay cas

Well-Known Member
my bet would be that everything is fine. if you just nuted them, chances are that your babies will heal by next week, which i suppose your next sceduled feeding is due to take place. keep a keen eye on em though. if you dont already have one, get a nute difficancy book with pictures to diagnose any problems quickly. borders normally has a nice sellection. the book i tend to rely on most is: MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE the indoor/outdoor MEDICAL GROWERS BIBLE by: jorge cervantes. i think it was only $25 and easilly worth its weight in gold. best of luck

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
yea they look fine i think they turned a lil yell. because i waterd for the first time with bloom and the lights were off for the hole 24H so i bet they'll outgrow the yell.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
i think so as well. remember every time you change any cycle weather its feeding, lighting, ect. the plan will stress to some point. also remember yellowing leaves are a sign of nitrogen defficiancy. the further along you get in the bloom cycle, the less nitrogen they need. gl!!


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in why you chose to give them 24 hrs of darkness. That's a new one to me. What's the benefit?

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
i had them 24/7 veg so i give a 24 hours dark to induce the flowering its day 4 of flowering and i can see hairs in 4 out of 7 i'ma go buy a digidal camera and by night time i'll post pics