First soil grow. Showing some deficiencies


Active Member
This is my first ever soil grow just in the process of building my room and getting the rest of my equipment. All replies are welcome. I definitely need advice. So me setup is as follows.

-8 tube t5 4' reflector
-Soil: 1part foxfarms ocean forest, 1 part light warrior, with cup of dolomite lime to every four bags of soil. (What do you think? decent?)
-Nutrients: Using general organics go box line up. At quarter doses (really want to switch to either house & garden or advanced. Need help deciding).

They are still babies only 2 1/2 weeks old and just transplanted them in the new soil in one gallon containers. Need to get lights and fans this week. Planning on a 1000watt with ac reflector (input?) and a 600cfm fan total room is only 12' by 14' and I'm sectioning that off as we speak. Two rooms. Planning on something to mask the smell. I am playing with the thought of ozone because i have an empty room to play with. But most likely going with carbon filter.

They have some nute deficiencies. I am detecting the lack of mostly nitrogen. The PH is at 6.6 and I feed with 6.5 corrected. Just added some SuperThrive to perk them up a little and ease to the new soil. No ferts though because soil is somewhat hot. I let them sit in sealed containers while i kept it moist to hopefully start the breakdown process before. Sat like that for a month. Was that a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
well see if it was a bad idea or not, it sorta looks like burning on the older leaves, at the bottom, is the new growth showing that too? did you maybe spill anything on those bottom leaves?

besides that, they looks green, great start dude


Well-Known Member
looks like a n def from here hard to tell

wouldnt get a 1000w maybe for flower that t5 seems to be doing it drop a little nd they won't stretch as bad i would get that 1000w for the bloom room put em in flower nd prepare for the next grow best of luck :)


Active Member
looks like light deficiency to me, is that one fluorescent the only one that works?, the back ones seem to be healthier and getting all the light. you can move them right since they are in pots , hopefully you just had it on low power or something. with soil on saucers or trays be careful with watering, just water lightly unless you have extra trays to dry them out in.


Well-Known Member
you need waaaay more lighting man, unless you turned some off to take the pic, I don't see how they are even doing that well


Active Member
Thanks for the input. Looking at getting an HID. Minimum 600watt with air cooled hood. Any suggestions on models. The t-5 puts out decent light for veg. Its 54watt per tube and there are 8 tubes. I'm pretty sure the yellowing is an n deficiency because I feed them once a week with 1/4 strength nutes. The ppm comes out to 400 and the ph is usually around 6.5. The yellowing is only on the old leaves. New leaves look really healthy.


Active Member
Am I right in thinking that I should not fertilize because i just put it into new hotter soil? Even though the old leaves are yellow should I still just wait? Don't want to burn them or anything. Also input on a new nutrient line up as well as equipment would be much appreciated. +1 rep to all that replied to my cry for help.


Well-Known Member
I rarely use nutes in soil and never when vegging, pretty much just to fix problems, I occasionally use FF Big Bloom starting about 2 weeks into flower, but you don't want to burn them and you run a higher risk of that if you feed into pre-nuted soil


Active Member
I rarely use nutes in soil and never when vegging, pretty much just to fix problems, I occasionally use FF Big Bloom starting about 2 weeks into flower, but you don't want to burn them and you run a higher risk of that if you feed into pre-nuted soil
That's what I was thinking. I'll wait a week and if it gets any worse I will add some nitrogen at 1/4 strength. Thanks for the input. Any preferences on light systems?


Well-Known Member
my preference is cfl, if you do it right you will get more light per wattage (ABSORBED BY THE PLANT for all you smart asses out there)


Active Member
my preference is cfl, if you do it right you will get more light per wattage (ABSORBED BY THE PLANT for all you smart asses out there)
I agree because cfl's can be placed closer to the plant, but if HIDs are used correctly ie. with ac hood the HID would produce more wattage in the correct spectrum and could be then be placed closer to the plant. So if you prefer florescent lighting my T-5s should be adequate for vegging the babies until they are ready for flowering?


go with two 600w hps instead of 1 1000w er... more even coverage and more light per watt..

oh and the t5s are "adequate" for full life stage lol... they are great for veg stage from what ive seen though... floro great for veg


Well-Known Member
I use the spiral cfls, another reason I like cfl is you can drop it vertically between plants when the canopy becomes too dense, they're cheaper, and come in 2 basic color temps, the 2 you need. And again I stress, they're cheaper!! and you can distribute them easier, and MUCH less fire risk.


Well-Known Member
I agree because cfl's can be placed closer to the plant, but if HIDs are used correctly ie. with ac hood the HID would produce more wattage in the correct spectrum and could be then be placed closer to the plant. So if you prefer florescent lighting my T-5s should be adequate for vegging the babies until they are ready for flowering?
your leafs yellowing are from lack of feeding... N deficiency starts with the oldest leaves which would be the lower ones like you have going on there...

also you should go with the Advanced Nutrients line... they make the finest product for soil gardening IMO and strive to have the best available products in organic gardening...

your t-5 is absolutely adequate for vegging...

above poster mentioned 2 600 watt HPS instead of 1 1000 watt... totally agree... more coverage more plants more buds more reward. the air cooled hoods are a MUST HAVE for conventional lighting. HPS is the ONLY way to go for producing bud i dont care what anyone says and that is 100% no bullshit. you will need at least a 6 inch inline fan rated at 440 CFM or more. the vortex ones are the bomb and they pump over 500 CFM.

the most important thing when it comes to equipment... no matter what the size of your grow op is big or small, always pay that extra little bit, dont take short cuts or cut costs, because in the end the shortcut will cause problem or you will wish you bought the right gear the first time cause in the end you cost yourself more!!


Active Member
What AN lineup do you prefer including additives? I am looking at the micro, grow, and bloom as the base. What additives are a must? I just got my max fan 8" which should be enough to cool the lights as well as vent the room. As far as my deficiency goes I agree with ShLUby, as it being a n deficiency. Should I wait to feed because I just put them in new soil? Or should I add a light dose of high n ratio fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
to me... your ladies are hungry... do a 1/2 strength and see how they like it they should green up and also if you have too much N they will turn dark green/blue/black in color so you'll know the difference for sure... but please WAIT until they need watering... your roots need air... so incase you did not know... DO NOT water your plants until you think that they cant go any longer... here's a tip again incase you were unaware... when you do water your pots, pick them up from time to time so you know how heavy they are... this will tell you when to water... when you life a pot heavy with water, you'll feel it. when you lift a pot that needs a drink, you'll damn near smack yourself with it because it's so light you'd were expecting something heavier to lift.

as for the AN, the base line up grow, bloom, micro is a great start, the b-52 and bud candy are a must for flowering...honestly anything AN you can get your hands on is good... you'll also want some kind of cal mag...


Active Member
Good to know. I definitely don't want to water too much. I used the poke method to test for moisture.


Active Member
it could be a mag def or nute burn first try to flush it out and if that doesn't work then it should definitely me mag def.


Well-Known Member
its not nute burn... nute burn doesn't make your whole leaf yellow... it starts at the tips and works its way back and frys it to a crisp... you have some N deficiency going on there