First Stealth Grow [Help Requested]


Active Member
I'm deciding if a stealth build is possible, and I hope some of you can help a fellow :bigjoint: out.

I have a wall cabinet that runs three (3) units long.
Each unit has the dimensions

Depth - 22"
Width - 27-28"
Height - 35"

Shelf runs along all three units 20" from the bottom (If i need to cut this out, i am willing to do so, as this unit is shoved in the back room and is only used for storage.) Each unit has two doors that swing open, one unit has its side panel missing (easy to add airflow/venting).

I have include some images to help give you a better idea..I have no cleaned this out yet so judge the size off the above measurements.

Questions that i'd like addressed.

- Lighting requirements for this space size?
- Smell (this is right below a bedroom) -- what should be done to limit this?
- Limitations of space do I have the room to grow or should I be looking for a bigger space?
- Additional links to help me get started, i've been searching the forum buy theres alot of spread of information.

What I can get

- My friend's Kush clones for $5 a piece
- Seeds if needed
- Thread recommeded supplies (Lights, etc etc)

When i'm not busy I will spend time reading the stickies, so my bad if these questions have been answered. I'll be checking back in the coming day for responses, and will be making a progress thread if I do this.

If something i've asked has been heard too many times here, link me the thread relating to it. I've been doing on/off research when I can, but i've joined these forums to get 'pro' advice from some veterans; dont want to listen to the wrong advice and kill my plants.

Cheers, from Canada, eh.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I would try to find a taller space to grow in. It's very difficult to get any real buds when there's only about 15" of plant height to work with (12" for the T5 fixture and space between lights and canopy of leaves and also the plant pot height of 8-10")

It will make your life easier with a verticle cabinet of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I would try to find a taller space to grow in. It's very difficult to get any real buds when there's only about 15" of plant height to work with (12" for the T5 fixture and space between lights and canopy of leaves and also the plant pot height of 8-10")

It will make your life easier with a verticle cabinet of some sort.
Echo that. At first glance, you may think it'll work, but once they get growing you'll quickly run out of space. If you nail a good pheno which stays small a bushy, perhaps, but not at all ideal.


Active Member
Honestly, I would try to find a taller space to grow in. It's very difficult to get any real buds when there's only about 15" of plant height to work with (12" for the T5 fixture and space between lights and canopy of leaves and also the plant pot height of 8-10")

It will make your life easier with a verticle cabinet of some sort.
Third that. It would work for veg but thats about it.