First Time - Before I start...


I read a whole ton off these forums a few years ago about growing with an Aerogarden. I was hellbent on trying it...but never got around to it... Now I want to try a BASIC, LOW COST grow using soil...

Before I even start...I want to spend as little as possible. I do not expect amazing results.

What I have already...

Evergreen potting soil, no fertilizers. Organic miracle gro.
one 8.5" planting pot.
One floor lamp with 5 bendy arms. Not sure what it can put out...kinda new with figuring this out...

I plan to stick 5 18 watt flourescent bulbs in it...

The plant will sit on a mid level shelf, in a corner, where I can put tinfoil around the the standing lamp works for that...

I KNOW it is not going to be very good....but just HOW BAD will this crop be, if it actually buds and I can harvest something?

say, will it be... SHWAG...REGz/MIDS...Barely/Basic good bud...?

How much of that depends on the seed's genetics? It comes from a bag of super-compressed low end crap...super dense...probably mexican or something.

Honestly, even if I get half an ounce of smokeable stuff, its fine...I just want to know what to expect.... and is it possible to go through the vegetative and flowering with only a floor lamp with flourescent bulbs?

I have 4 bagseed seeds germinating in a paper towel, sitting between two paper plates.

2 look like they are starting to sprout, after less than 24 hours.
The other two are immature looking and probably won't sprout.


Well-Known Member
well your gonna get good bud. its always somewhere between good -> amazing bud.

4 seeds, 1 pot? that might be an issue. get more pots. keep in mind, you plant 10 seeds. 8 germinate. those turn into 8 plants, one dies cuz you put in too much fertilizer, or bugs, or mildew, or rot. you have 7 plants. you go to flower them, 4 of those are male (chop them down), from the 10 seeds, you have 3 females.
^ this might be a lil pessimistic, sure, but ive had 11 plants and 7 were males. it happens.

youll get decent nuggz using CFLs, i am using them now, no its not like HPS for flowering, but for vegetative, you wont notice any difference, except for less electric bills.

Seed genetics are a LOT. they matter. sure. but the difference is gonna be in taste, quality, and quantity.
i use seeds from midgrade herb i get, crappy crappy herb, and i pull off GREAT BUDS from it. its all about how you treat them, and if your doing it right or not.

i like bagseeds, you clone all the plants, toss the clones that belonged to a male, keep the female clones, grow them, clone the shit outa the ones ya liked / had a high yield, veg more, flower again, harvest, smoke

the key thing here is your starting out, CFLs are fine, get more pots, get fertilizers, PH testers. and get a big ass reservoir for water (or a lot of empty 2 liter bottles, or whatever) so you always have fresh water available.
youll be ok. start a journal, kick back, and dont rush it


well your gonna get good bud. its always somewhere between good -> amazing bud.

4 seeds, 1 pot? that might be an issue. get more pots. keep in mind, you plant 10 seeds. 8 germinate. those turn into 8 plants, one dies cuz you put in too much fertilizer, or bugs, or mildew, or rot. you have 7 plants. you go to flower them, 4 of those are male (chop them down), from the 10 seeds, you have 3 females.
^ this might be a lil pessimistic, sure, but ive had 11 plants and 7 were males. it happens.

youll get decent nuggz using CFLs, i am using them now, no its not like HPS for flowering, but for vegetative, you wont notice any difference, except for less electric bills.

Seed genetics are a LOT. they matter. sure. but the difference is gonna be in taste, quality, and quantity.
i use seeds from midgrade herb i get, crappy crappy herb, and i pull off GREAT BUDS from it. its all about how you treat them, and if your doing it right or not.

i like bagseeds, you clone all the plants, toss the clones that belonged to a male, keep the female clones, grow them, clone the shit outa the ones ya liked / had a high yield, veg more, flower again, harvest, smoke

the key thing here is your starting out, CFLs are fine, get more pots, get fertilizers, PH testers. and get a big ass reservoir for water (or a lot of empty 2 liter bottles, or whatever) so you always have fresh water available.
youll be ok. start a journal, kick back, and dont rush it
I am germinating four because they all looked like bad seeds to me. Two have surprised me, and I will plant those two in plastic cups... I will probably only plant one in the pot though...I know its kinda dumb but I don't have the means for multiple pots/plants. I have a fan but I am worried it might be too powerful.

I did plenty of reading...I browsed these forums for a year straight... Recently I wasn't able to find any posts pertaining to my specific question. How much of a plants quality comes from the genetics, and how much comes from the way you raise it? Would it be 50/50?

If this bagseed that I have turns out to be better than the herb it came from, considering MY lowly setup, does that mean this weed was grown even worse than how I am doing it?

I will probably start a journal once I plant them.