First time doing AutoFlower: G13 Labs Auto AK Feminized


Well-Known Member
So I've grown from seed several times and my preferred way is keeping a mother and using her for clones. I've been growing the same strain for several years now and decided I wanted to try something new. I ordered some seed from Attitude when they were having their big October Promo and got four free seeds when ordering 3. One of the seed was G13 Labs Auto AK Feminized.

I've never grown an AutoFlower before but my smaller cab with the 400w HPS is free right now so I decided to start with the Auto first.

The seed 10-25-2011 8-03-25 PM.JPG
Shot of the seed

Seed in Gladware 10-25-2011 8-04-44 PM.jpg
Seed in a small Gladware container sitting on top of a moist paper towel

Seed covered 10-25-2011 8-05-05 PM.jpg
Seed now covered with a second moist paper towel

Sealed on heating pad 10-25-2011 8-06-04 PM.jpg
Container closed and sitting on a heating pad in my clone/seedling chamber with the light turned off.

I've had good luck with this method and usually have a spouted seed within 3 day.

Once the seed sprouts, I'll move to a container with FFOF for soil and turn on the lights in the clone/seedling chamber. The lights are 2x14w T5s and are set to a 18/6 light schedule.

Once I have a second set of leaves I'll move the pot into the veg chamber. The lights in the veg chamber are 3x55w T5s and are also on a 18/6 light schedule. Probably leave the pot in the veg chamber for another week and then I'll move it into the smaller flower cab. That will have a 400w HPS which I'm going to run 20/4.


Well-Known Member
If I didn't have the second cab, I probably wouldn't do it at all but since I do, and I'm auto-curious, I figured I'd give it a run.
After listening to people bash auto's i was really nervous to give them a try.. Tried them and have been very pleased. No photo period plant can come close to production of an autoflower in a 60 day complete grow.


Well-Known Member
After listening to people bash auto's i was really nervous to give them a try.. Tried them and have been very pleased. No photo period plant can come close to production of an autoflower in a 60 day complete grow.
For me it's a matter of sustainability. With auto's you're always having to get more seeds. From a single mother I can keep myself going for years by taking clones and in fact that's pretty much what I've done.

Jay Johnson

Active Member
For me it's a matter of sustainability. With auto's you're always having to get more seeds. From a single mother I can keep myself going for years by taking clones and in fact that's pretty much what I've done.
Yea, thats true to a degree, but if you do one seed run with a male. You will have enough seeds to last you 30 grows! I did and have so many seeds its crazy. But if you are just pulling clones left and right, thats great as well becuase you can just veg for a little while and then flip to 12/12 pretty quick, so it doesnt take 5-6 months to finish


Well-Known Member
Saturday, October 29th 2011
Total days: 4
Sprout: 4
Veg: 0
Flower: 0
I've got a nice tap root on the seed so I moved it to a pot.

Root 10-29-2011 4-59-59 PM.jpg
Pic of the sprouted seed. Hard to see the white tap root against white background.

Pot 10-29-2011 5-15-24 PM.jpg
Planted the seed in a 1.2 gal Air-Pot. I'm going to be growing this in the smaller cab so I need to watch the size. I've got a Diet Coke can in the shot for scale.


Well-Known Member
Tuesday, November 1st 2011
Total days: 7
Sprout: 4
Veg: 3
Flower: 0

Emergence 11-1-2011 7-39-35 PM.jpg
Emergence queue the music Also sprach Zarathustra


Well-Known Member
Nice job, it looks healthy. I really like the idea of those air pots. Pretty interesting, I'd like to try a grow with some of them.

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Nice job, it looks healthy. I really like the idea of those air pots. Pretty interesting, I'd like to try a grow with some of them.
Yea, i hear they are pretty nice. And always see pretty good results with them. Keep her rollin techno, im here for the ride.


Well-Known Member
Tuesday, November 8th 2011
Total days: 14
Sprout: 4
Veg: 10
Flower: 0

2 sets 11-8-2011 8-36-54 PM.jpg
Second set of leaves are going so I moved it under the 3x55w compact T5s. I've got the light up a little high to let her get used to the extra light.
ive got easyryder or ak47 x lowryder growin right now, along with critical jack so we'll see how they do, they are a little further along than yours but they look great!


Nice grow man, subbed.

Popped an auto AK in myself a few days after you, sprouted on the 4th.

Looking pretty similar to your most recent post now, I'll try and get a pic up later :)


Well-Known Member
Looks good and healthy so far. I put 2 AK Autos in the cup today. Subbed. This is my first auto grow and I'll be checking yours out closely.