First time experiencing


New Member
Hello all,

Please may I ask for some advice I feel like this is septoria but not entirely sure as it's the first time I'm experiencing it, attached are some pics to view. I found a red mite issue starting so sprayed her off with water then gave her a pyrol treatment (can't play with red mites) 18hrs later I have found what seems to be mottled spots very close to her buds.



Well-Known Member
Do you spray your plants with anything or could anything have got on them?

Concerning that it's only on the calyx's.


New Member
I did a biogrow pyrol foliage spray to treat the spider/red mites that's all. Washed her down the next morning with distilled water and she went back into the greenhouse with her sisters 8 hrs later when I went to check the temperature and ph I found her like this.

It seems to be spreading still so a bit concerned she is contagious and will infect my others.


New Member
Took a head of hers to my growshop quick, it's the earlier stages of bud rot... Thank God I have a cloning project with all these strains readily available.