First Time For Everything


Well-Known Member
Gonna wait 1 more week and cut down the rest of that plant. And probably the top colas on 2 of the other 4. They're definitely taking much longer than I expected. But wtf... Can't wait till they're finish. Think I'll go out within a couple of weeks and pick up a portable air conditioner. Temps I grow tent are ok from about 76 to 82 degrees. But humidity is not good. About 55 with lights on and around 70 lights off. For the first few weeks it may be ok but soon I'll be just asking for mold or mildew.


Well-Known Member
The wappas and critical kush are both doing well. The single star bud from hortilab is not as attractive. Its not bushy, kinda scrawny, stretchy and not too appealing. Guess well see in another couple months. The auto white widow will be much longer than the 58 day finish given by the breeder. Just as long as they keep on trucking.

mr. childs

Well-Known Member
Yep 100 days. Trichs were about 75% cloudy, 20% clear and 5% amber. I like mine about 10 to 15% amber. It was an auto northern lights by nirvana. It grew to about 27" and yielded like 62 grams dry. Not counting a few grams i pulled to test. Had two in the tent the second one was about 18" and yielded an oz in 65 days. Here's a pic of the bigger one.
love airpots

mr. childs

Well-Known Member
Another bad thing happened yesterday as I was taking the plants out to water them. As I put a wappa back in I heard a crunch when I spun the plant. Come to find out I had torn a nice size branch completely off. It about almost the length of my arm. Wtf. Another grower mistake. I tried to prop it and stake it together but its hopeless. Im planning on starting flowering Sunday but not sure about this girl. Not sure if it will stress her to the point oh herming. What does anyone think. Flower her anyway or flower the others and leave her in the veg tent another week or so. Here's a pic of the branch.
shave stem, dip in clonex & set her outside?

mr. childs

Well-Known Member
Well a bit of a problem. The other day it was 88 degrees outside and my tent got pretty hot. 83 degrees. I turned it down to 750 watts and it cooled down some. Also it was raining outside (as it'll do a lot over the next month and a half) and humidity went up to almost 70%. Its back around 55 now but that's still too high. Especially since I'm growing big plants. Can't risk bud rot. So I guess I'm going to have to buy a portable air conditioner. Can't use window unit cause of the crazy shape and dimensions. This should help with heat and also lower humidity. Just don't really have the money right now. Hopefully soon.
ever think of making a swamp cooler?


Well-Known Member
ever think of making a swamp cooler?
ever think of making a swamp cooler?
I don't think I really need a swamp cooler. From my understanding swamp coolers actually raise rh. That I really don't need. Especially since I'm struggling with humidity already. The last few days rh has been crazy high. 55 lights on and 70 with lights off. Today its not as hot and humid outside so its back to normal now. Don't know how long it'll stay like this since it rains crazy and is very humid here throughout the summer. At the beginning of the month I'll be able to buy a portable air conditioner to help with temps and keep rh stable.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jerry. Glad to have you along for the ride. Oh btw bugs don't have really have much of a smell yet (unless squeezed) but after a two week cure it should come back. Plus it seems like bugs were a little more dense under my solar storm 440. Wanna do a side by side with the solar storm and equivalent hps and see which gets better results.


Well-Known Member
Buds still haven't started to put off any smell as of yet. Still has a chlorophyll type of deal to it. Tempted to take a time but I'll wait seeing as I still have a little personal stash and also plan to do a smoke report once everything is done.
The other 4 girls are moving along but are not ripe as of yet. 73 days and counting. Pyramid stated 58 days from seedling but Bullshit. Lol. I'll let them go another week and see what's up. Maybe I'll chop the top cola off a few and see what's up.


Well-Known Member
The photos are trucking along nicely. The wappas seem to flowering faster than the ck. But well see as we go along. They've been in 12/12 for 18 days. So the countdown begins.


Well-Known Member
So I think the rest of the topless plant and 2 other plants are ready to come down. Mostly milky trichomes with some amber here and there. The top colas, however, are about 20% amber. So may come off soon. Only problem is in my dry closet humidity is not stable. Sometimes its as low as 40 and other times its as high as 75. I have another closet in my bedroom where I can use the air conditioner to reduce humidity. Its been raining like crazy today and will rain for the next 5 days. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Also the girls in flower used to have this very, very fruity smell. Well now they've changed. The fruit is still faintly there but they smell more like fruity diesel/gasoline. Weird but interesting. I wanna do an experiment as far as drying and curing goes. For some reason sometimes I struggle to bring the full smell out of my buds. I usually trim first then hang dry then into jars. I think I'm going to hang one plant whole with no trimming at all, one plant whole but already trimmed and the last topless one I'll cut branches and hang them to dry. Half will be trimmed on branches, the other half will still have leaves. Anyone have any experience to share about their drying techniques?


Well-Known Member
Ok good news and bad news. Good news first. The 6 wappa and critical and wappa are doing beautiful. All have nice, thick colas that are filling in well. They look beautiful and makes me a proud papa. I'll post pics maybe sometimes tonight or early tomorrow.
For the bad news. The baby star bud not doing well. Was checking her and noticed 5 little balls on her. Fucking drag queen. I immediately removed her outside, chopped her up and got rid of her. May she rip. Thing is she was never fully healthy from the start. I mentioned it in previous posts. She didn't like the 1000 watt light, she didn't take well to the all super soil I transplanted her into. She grew twisted, stretchy and wasn't happy from the jump. I'd like to blame genetics but I'm sure user error was partly or fully to blame. Here's her balls. Wanted to just pluck them but can't take that chance and pollinate the other ladies. It looked like one lower ball was starting to burst. So I cleaned the tent real well and now I think its cool.


Well-Known Member
Now both good and bad news. The temps have been ok in my tent. Not ideal but acceptable. Between 78-82 lights on. However humidity is still not under control. Lights on is ok at around 50-55. Lights out is not good at 70-72. Good news is I'll be looking for some air conditioners today. Need a big to cool my 20x20 basement once summer hits heavy and temps rise into the 90s. But for now it can lower the temps and bring down humidity. So hopefully that problem will be eradicated.


Well-Known Member
I've been checking the other 6 ladies heavily for male parts and have turned up nothing. Just as healthy as can be. None of them even have as much as a spot on them. A few bottom leaves have turned yellow and fell off but that's natural. Today makes day 25 of flower. I'm guessing maybe 40 more days or so and I can start harvesting at least the top colas. Damn I can't wait. They look marvelous and the 2 wappas are maybe the most beautiful plants I've seen. More pics tonight.