First time grow, 14 wks in, HELP please!!!


Well-Known Member
well he just wasting time he get some fresh ones and do it again. practice makes perfect. but first timer or not. dont tell him what he wants to hear and tell him what is really going and get going on a better batch. no knocking here bro. some of us been there and i'm one of them. dont waste time. dont cheat your self treat your self.
Well its his first grow guys. Cut him a break
know how u get to Broadway .... practice
fuck me!!! after reading this enitre thread over a joint and a few bongs, cuz of all the laughing and and side tracked iv gotten to the stage of writing a post and id laughed that much i had to open a new window just to read the key points again lol... get off ya high horse and get over ya self! lets have it right you've come and asked for help and when ppl are giving you answers, telling you how to make your grow better next time round and you tell us we're poisoning our crops with chems while to sit there and choke yours stick it up ya arse, only cuz ur a noobam i goin to tell ya this but first let me just say your attitude stinks... with the "poison" i use, i can pull off 10 oz from 2 plants in a cramped little tent where i give it fake light (fake=not from the sun) think about it if its so bad why does it work so good?

Specially formulated for even the greenest ECO-Geek

there are some 100% ORGANIC (broken down organic matter) nutes called bio bizz or bio grow that have a good range of nutes in which the NPK content is naturally sourced which is avalible for both veg and bloom and if you really wanna push the boat out there are a few other goodies like PK13/14, root stims the fuckin works..

...check it out...


Well-Known Member
yea the guys a joke. Heres a PM he sent me.
Snackers said:
your giving yourself cancer and influincing others to take apart in your insufficient vitality. seriouly look up your fucking fertilizer. people use it on their grass hahah. and people dont smoke there orchids or sunflowers or roses after using this shit, if you want to be a cheap fucking scum bag at least ask the low life retards that are payed 7$ an hour to tell you what fertilizer to use for vegetables. you know soluable fertalizer. shit shat goes down and comes out ok.

other wise have fun assfucking yourself. you get neggative feed back on anything you post arround me.
I was ignoring him till he sent that and threatened me with negative rep. Like I give a fuck about rep lol. So I changed my signature quoting one of his other rants and haven't heard from him since. He probably has a new screen name by now.