FIRST TIME GROW- afghan kush ryder autoflower - 125w CFL

Happyface X

hey guys, first time growing, will try to do 1 -> 2 updates a week,

afghan kush ryder seeds,
125 w cfl lamp.
sprouted on 9/11

also, just wondering about how much people think i could harvest of this?

pics so far are
day 1
day 2
day 2, 12 hrs later
day 3


Whats up man, I am doing the exact same thing as you are with my AKR. I just started it last week so maybe we can compare them as they grow. I am not putting any nutes in it though. Straight soil(mostly potting soil with a handful of Miracle grow) and water only. It just sprouted the day b4 yesterday. I hear you can get a good ounce of each plant. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
It's almost impossible to answer how much you will get off a plant so early on, so many factors will determine this whilst she grows. rather work on what the seed bank estimate but also realise you are under a single CFL. Will you flower under this same lamp?

Happyface X

Oh, and this seemed a good idea :
The bulb is 5400 on one side and 2700 on the other,
So I've turned the bulb round so the blue light is facing down,
I'll then rotate it round so the plant is mostly hit with the red light during flowering :) xx

Happyface X

Hey lince , thanks for the interest, it's just a space at the end of my bed, under a shelf, next to my computer,
About 80x40x30 cm :) x


Well-Known Member
Oh, and this seemed a good idea :
The bulb is 5400 on one side and 2700 on the other,
So I've turned the bulb round so the blue light is facing down,
I'll then rotate it round so the plant is mostly hit with the red light during flowering :) xx
No harm in experimenting, with such a small light source and no reflector I wonder if it all matters, either way grow em out and enjoy.

Happyface X



mum found my plant this week, told me the light was a fire hazard and that i needed to put it outside -.-
so i've hidden it somewhere new ;D
which tbh... is a better place, much higher, about 100cm,
and about 40x40cm+ floorspace, =]

will post new pics in a sec <3

:) x


hey Happyface, looking good so far. Just germinating my World of Seeds AK, which will be a first time grow for me too - got some hydroponic kit and a few lights / fans hanging round, donated by mates so a kind of 'suck it and see!'

Joined the forum specifically for your thread so keep pics coming pls , ty


Active Member
Dude, you are going to be f'n amazed with Afghan Kush Ryder....It is heavily narcotic and the buzz is one of the best. I have never grown with CFL's, I always have use 1k watt HPS and MH. The Afghan Kush Ryder is some serious Kill. Please share some with me. ;)

Happyface X

dunno if im gonna be able to keep it goin, mum keeps telling me to get rid of it XD !
but she's gettin a bit angry now 0_o ;)