First-time Grow, Couple Quick Questions

Alright. So, I've got a list of the materials I'm going to need and currently just waiting on my seeds. I'm working with a cabinet I've modified that's about 35in tall by 32in wide and about 20inch deep. For now, I'm only planning to grow about 3-5 plants at most once I've got my males and weeded out and only the ladies are left standing; hopefully cloning won't be too much of a bother as it seems the far better route to take as far as keeping a steady strain going; growing purely for personal use, so not expecting or really aiming for super huge yields so much as I'm just looking to produce something of good quality that's going to be steady once I've got my process refined and fully worked out. Honestly doing this just as much for the educational experience and my love of the plant as I am for the free smoke! :leaf:

At this point my only real question, or rather concern, is in regards to air circulation. Not too sure what type of fans/exhaust I'm going to need, if any, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, with such a small crop, does anyone have a sort of rough idea on what I can expect to combat in terms of odor? I'm well aware that the plants themselves stink, especially during the flowering stages (so I've read); but with only a few plants growing inside of a cabinet in a room that pretty much constantly smells of good bud all the time anyway what exactly can I look forward to in terms of stinkage? Just trying to get a good idea so that I can figure out the best way to deal with it before I get started... also figure that while I'm working out the ventilation issue, would be the perfect time to deal with any possible odor issues down the line as well.

Many thanks in advance! Sorry to start a new thread is this has already been asked elsewhere, but I didn't see anything really addressing the specifics when it came to ventilation - clearly it's important to the process, I'm just not really sure how to determine what would be best for my set-up.


Well-Known Member
seems like a nice little grow box pixx will be cool............for that size i reccomend that you vegg for no longer than one month or else they will be touching your lights... as far as ventalation youll have to figure that out on your own lol put the box togeather and set everthing up and see how hot it gets... in my box i have a fan blowing air out and one blowing lightly on the plants and lights(i use CFL's)............cloning is the best way to go at walmart they have this miricle grow green house thing for 7 BUX!!!!!! its fantastic its like a minnie green house holds 4 clones perfectly makes the whole cloning thing way easy just cut dip in hormones put in green house and its ready in 2 weeks. I just leave mine on my desk by the window sill.
Ah good to know I'll definitely have to look into that little green house thing from walmart .. I'm going with a CFL as well myself; did a LOT of looking around into this particular process and honestly until I see otherwise I think it's going to be my best route for the space/budget I have to work with figure it will be my best bet for the set-up. Kind of curious at this point exactly how many plants I can fit in there once they get going and start vegging .. as you suggested I was already planning to basically keep it limited to one or two strong female mommas and just clone them as needed, especially if that little greenhouse contraption works as well as you describe it. Ideally I would like to have a mother plant for one or two strains at any given time and just clone them to harvest as needed .. sounds good in my head, just a matter of bringing it to fruition. Course, I may just be getting a little greedy there and I'm sure it will take plenty of time and patience to get to that point, but if I have to expand a bit and build another cabinet to house my mother plants then so be it!

I'll get some pics together once I finish the box, maybe throw together a grow journal once I figure out exactly how to do that .. lol :lol: