IMG00035.jpgIMG00034.jpgokay well this is my first time growing and w.e i wanna do it right but dont know how so here goes

my set up consist 21 gallon storage container i'm planning to buy hite paint or mylar for the walls on the inside dnt know if u can paint plastic tho. and on the bottom of it i put aluminum

any suggestions would be appreciated.
I USED THE PAPER TOWL FOR GERMINATING it shows 2 seeds but its really 3
okay so now im almost done with the construction of the grow box . any help would be appreciated now that my seeds should be due any day now :)IMG00038.jpgIMG00039.jpgIMG00037.jpgIMG00036.jpg
im using 2 60 watts CFL "daylight" bulbs
1 syvania 90 watts idk the color of it and another bulb cfl thts like 15 watts I JUST FOUND IT
i used 2 y socket things tht i found in home depot tht ere about 2.20 each and lightbulbs were about 10
im seriously thinkin bout painting the outside of the box blaCK AND then paint the inside white . what do you guys think ?