First time grow - PC CASE, DWC, DNA 60 DAYS WONDER.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

It's been a while since last post but I'm finally back in action. I was gonna buy a DR60 tent and grow into it however I'm experiencing money issues so I have to wait for it and I'm curentelly growing just one 60 Day Wonder in my PC case. Couple things has changed - instead of doing two plants in 2L tank i'm doing one in 3L pot which is gonna give it more space for roots grow. Also instead of growing this plant vertically I started to LST it (basing on past experience when one of past plants overgrown my pc case).

Later on I'll be growing into DR60 where I could do 4 autos in 4 separate pots which means that every 2-3 weeks I could germinate new seed and crop one plant every 2-3 weeks which would be more than enough!

Time for some pix.

First 5 pix were taken when plant was about 19-20 days old, rest of them were taken 10 days later. Curentelly I'm on 4th week of grow and starting week 5 on monday. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's right. This time everything goes well. Hopefully I'm not gonna overfeed them again lol. More pictures are to come next week. Cheers man.


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

Today I finally LST my plant - using 8 hooks placed on lid and tied branches down. I hope that's gonna work and this time my plant is not gonna overgrown my box lol. Plant is about 31 days old so it should start flowering soon. I can't see any visible signs of flowering yet however I think my plant started to smell. Good.

I'm concern about feeding my plants as label on nutes tells me to give them a certain ammount of sol A + B + other nutes every week but what happenes when they drunk given solution in let say 2 days. Shall I top it up with nutes or just ph water then? I'm concern because last time I did give them nutes all the time and as you could see they were simply overfeeded. At the moment my plant is drinking about 1-2 L of solution in about 3 days. So every 3 days it is getting another liter of soulution (or more) with nutes just to top up and then every monday I'm changing solution and give it stronger nutes. Am I doing that good ? I'm asking as I don't wanna overfeed my plant again lol.

Any feedback is more then appriciated. Time for some pix. BLESS!



Well-Known Member
You should get one then as you will be dealing with much more space which means more beautiful sensi to smoke lol


Well-Known Member
Hey BezelinJah, I subscribed! Whatever you are doing with this 2nd grow, it looks great! I will be following your thread to see how your girl turn out. She looks healthy. How about once you give your plant her weekly nutes, then keep your reservoir filled with pH water for the rest of the week. The following week increase the nutes and the rest of the week pH water. Maybe that would control the size of you baby.



Well-Known Member
Hey BezelinJah, I subscribed! Whatever you are doing with this 2nd grow, it looks great! I will be following your thread to see how your girl turn out. She looks healthy. How about once you give your plant her weekly nutes, then keep your reservoir filled with pH water for the rest of the week. The following week increase the nutes and the rest of the week pH water. Maybe that would control the size of you baby.

Hi man. Thanks for stopping by. At the moment I keep on feeding it about twice a week with nutes and topping up tank with phed water if needed too. It seems to work fine for her and I haven't observed any nutes burns. Good.


Hey man I am growing 60 Day Wonder in my tent. I have not updated my photos in the last week but she is looking good, I do have a question for why the early leaves turn yellow at tips, Only one or two but it still looks healthy.


Hey Guy Notice the the Yellow in one of my plants tips leaves at three weeks. being a newbie am I tripping or do these need to take there course?View attachment 965884 Being these are not big eater I try to give them less without starving them.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I am growing 60 Day Wonder in my tent. I have not updated my photos in the last week but she is looking good, I do have a question for why the early leaves turn yellow at tips, Only one or two but it still looks healthy.
Yo man. Thanks for stepping by. That's cool that somebody else grows same shit iniit? I'be moving to tent soon. Honestelly I don't know but It could be coz of overfeeding / wrong ph etc / or they are simply burning coz of high temp. Are you going hydro or soil ?

Hey Guy Notice the the Yellow in one of my plants tips leaves at three weeks. being a newbie am I tripping or do these need to take there course?View attachment 965884 Being these are not big eater I try to give them less without starving them.
Hm... so I can't open that pic lol. I don't think thats right link. Could you paste it again?


It A Girl!.jpg3rd week beginning.jpgI am into my 3rd week of growing 60 day. HOw did your yield turn out. Any final pictures? I am waiting on a PPM meter to arrive to be able to track Nutes better but keep it really light as I hear this girl is not a big eater. Check out my pics


YOu hit me when I was figuring the stupid Albumb thingy out. Its simple but being user friendly is another story


Well-Known Member
Take A look a pics of my baby girl 60 day at 3 weeks from seed Today.
View attachment 971544View attachment 971542I am into my 3rd week of growing 60 day. HOw did your yield turn out. Any final pictures? I am waiting on a PPM meter to arrive to be able to track Nutes better but keep it really light as I hear this girl is not a big eater. Check out my pics
YOu hit me when I was figuring the stupid Albumb thingy out. Its simple but being user friendly is another story
View attachment 971894View attachment 971893

Take a look at my 60 day at Three weeks. A little nute burn but nothing serious.
She's looking great man. In my opinion 60 Day Wonder takes longer then 60 days tho... Thanks for advice with craiglist I'm gonna check it out just now. Later on gonna post some pic.