First Time Grow, plants are dieing


Hey folks, fist time trying and and my baby is dieing.

Any idea what this is, I'm thinking it may be calcium, but the way they almost look burnt, Nute Burn is my fear, but I flushed em 1 week ago and the new growth is starting to get this same look.


This is an aerogarden grow, started 3 weeks ago.

No nutes to begin with, then added 1/3 a AeroGarden tab @ 2 weeks.

I then flushed immediately when I noticed the tips turning copper.

Then it spread to the rest of the fan leaves.

The PH is at 5.8-6.2 never strayed below or above.

I'll get some more pics of the plants up.



Well-Known Member
how are u checking the ph? And what is the water temp? Looks like my plants did when my ph was out of Whack.


I was just told by my brother that he had dropped nute water and rubbed it into the plant leaves.

Could this be the issue considering only the top of the leaf looks terrible while the bottom is still green and leafy?

Any ideas?

Thanks folks, awesome boards great community