first time grow


Active Member
ok so i think i have read enough on the web to get my plant going. i do have a few questions. as for my setup i started by germinating my seeds and then i planted them in dirt. i got two of the cfls one is 23 watt and the other is 40 i think. so the plant sprouted through the dirt and now i have the two lights 2 inches over the light.


-how often do i water

-what is a good light cycle now

- when and how do i trans plant

thanks for the help and sorry if this is really noobie


Sector 5 Moderator
Welcome to RIU! Water only when the top of the soil is dry, that's usually every 3 days. It's a lot more common for plants to die from overwatering than underwatering. Keep your lights on 24/7 for now; the only time you really need to change your cycle is when you want to flip them to flowering. Your plants should be transplanted when (or before) they are as tall as the container you have them in. For example, if you have them in a styrofoam cup (with drain holes in the bottom), they should be transplanted when they get about 4" tall. When you see a plant that is a foot tall, it generally means it also has a foot of rootmass also. In soil you can't see it very well but in hydro, like I grow in, it's easy to see. How to transplant: get some good soil mix (not "Miracle Gro"!!!) and a bigger container (I like the 3 gal. grow bags), fill the container about 90% full; then move the soil mix around to the general shape of the current container. Make sure to water your plant then gently turn the plant over into your hand (with the plant between your fingers) and try not to let it fall apart. Turn it back over and set it into the hole; it's that easy. Then you want to water it in good. It would also be a good idea to get you some Superthrive; you can get it at Wallyworld or just about any place that has a gardening section. It's good for a lot of things and transplanting is one of them. Use it according to directions. Best of luck to you!