First Time Grow

Budz Boy

Hi all. I'm really new to all this but here goes. I'm a long time partaker who was out of the majors for about 20 years but now I'm back. I have always been really interested in learning to grow so I'm giving it a try.. I know that I'm a little late in posting my plants. I am 3 days into my 4th week of flowering with 2 plants that I planted from mystery seeds. I am using a 2 x 4 x 5 tent with approx 324 watt T-5s. I am using well water and have never checked the PH but I recall the ppm was relatively low. Sept 19 was the first day I have given them Tiger Bloom at half strength. I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and and also feeding them Big Bloom. Everything seems to be ok but wanted to get some advice on Plant 1's curling leaves. Other than that, they both seem relatively healthy. Thanks for any advice. Here are the pics:


Budz Boy

Did a plain water flush to plant A on 9-24. Will post pics in another day or two. Have a good one, all.

Budz Boy

ok, I have just completed week 5 and things seem to be going good. I finally was able to test the PH of my water and found out that it was alkaline for sure, around 7.2. I lowered the PH to 5.8 and gave them both a good watering this past Friday. Runoff water was 5.7. I plan to hit them with nutes in a day or two. Here are some current pics. Check out plant b part 1 top. What is up with that growth? Thanks for any input you see could benefit. Have a good one.



1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible
so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage?
is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time?
what lights should i use during that stage and how far from the actual plants do i put the light?
what are the ppm and ph levels that i need to maintain a great grow thru the different stages?
should i keep the 2 400 watts for my vegitative stage or shud i upgrade?
do you think 2 600 watts hps are better than 2 1000 watts hps for flowering in my 4x4?
is there a difference between the brands of the lights if so what would be the best lights for my different stages as far as brand is concerned?
and what exactly would be the best purple strain you think i shud try 2 get for hydro?
im so sorry for all these question but i just dont wanna mess nothing up

Budz Boy

Hey man, you may want to start your own thread to get more replies. I'd love to help but I'm new myself.