First time grower. 4x4 tent. roi e680: what light intensity, how far away from seedlings

Hey guys. Damn near lost 1k dollars trying to hang the light up on my own lol, but alas success.

First two questions pretty much in the title:

1) do I use 40% intensity on the light for seedlings? (settings are 40, 60, 80, full power).
2) How far away from the seedlings should the light be?
3) How do I know when to increase the intensity of the light?

Thank you! I look forward to making a grow journal when I finish everything up!


Well-Known Member
I would start low and work your way up the plants will tell you how they feel, just keep a close eye on em. As far as light height I'd start at 3 ft give or take if your nervous about it.
haha. One more question if I may.

I'm running coco in 3 gallon smart pots, using GH nutes. Why do some people build elevated platforms w/ 2 gallon buckets for runoff, while others just put the smart pots in saucers?

Building a big ass platform, wasting all that vertical space...what's the point? What am I missing?