First time grower, 5 weeks in veg, leaves are drooping turing kind of browinsh(pics)


Active Member
NEED HELP ASAP, Ive been closet growing a bagseed plant with a cheap set up and have been doing fine so far. The plant is 5 weeks into veg and is about 6 inches tall. All of a sudden the other day, the leaves started drooping after I watered it with my Miracle Grow houseplant food, but it wasnt much water and I had been using this solution for a while. The new growth at the top of the plant was doing fine until this morning when I checked on them an found that their edges were rolled up together and they were drooping. I really don't kno what to do and even though this is just my first time, I dont want it to die because I noticed when you smell the new growth up close it gives off a citrusy sweet scent! Please give any help or advice that you can. Good lookin out.

P.S. Sorry if the pictures are a litte shitty





Well-Known Member
Look like they are overwatered. The soil needs to be dry 1" down before watering (about every three days). Also, they look like they have nute burn. Flush the soil with PH'ed water. When you start back the nutes after the flush, go half the strenth you were giving them.


Active Member
Alright but if they do have nute burn I still think they may be over watered, do I wait until the soil dries out to flush it or do it flush it anyways? And will foilage feeding with regular water help the dried out leaves at all?


Well-Known Member
Flush now and well. Use about as much water as the pot would have held if it was empty. Remember the water must be room temperature and remember to ph your water. Some even say to use TEPID water since it dissolves more of the accumulates salts.

Also, do you have a water softener in the house? If you do, DO NOT use the tap water, it contains salts. Use distilled water.

You can spray but the flush will do better than the misting. You need to get those extra nutes out of the soil. I am having the same problem now and after my flush, the plants really took off.

After the flush, just use water and when you go back to nutes, use 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
toss them out and start over. Why try to fix them they will show signs of stress forever. Its better to start over. Get some lights and a book on how to grow pot. Sights like this are great to hang out, but you can pick things up quicker in a book. No reading about how my cat is so silly ect. You wil be wasting your time if you bring this back and wont you be pissed if you do tons of work onlty to find its a male?


New Member
Too many nutrients, too much water, and poor air circulation are doing it. :hump:

I suggest you back off the lights, flush with water and mist the leaves.....often (don't need to ph water in soil), and get an oscillating fan.
The best way to judge the watering schedule the plants need is by picking them up. Immediately after you have flushed, you should hold the plant for a time and notice how heavy it feels when the medium is fully saturated. If the temps don't get above 85 and humidity is relatively high (RH > 50%), you may not have to water for 1-2 weeks. the pots can get very light before the plants are in danger of wilting. Pick them up each day and feel how much they are drinking.

It's a good idea to test the limits of the plant so you have a good reference; kind of hard not to do when you're green. :mrgreen:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
here are my thoughts.. #1 you are useing tin foil as a reflective.. get rid of it. #2 Your plants are very stretched and are not very developed for 5 weeks old,, NOT ENOUGH light. #3 I do not see any Perlite in your soil to help drainage... #4 THOSE PLANTS ARE FRIED,, YOU BURNT THEM BAD WITH NUTS..... Throw them out and start over.

Sometimes it is better to just kill the horse and get a new one.

Good luck with which ever way to go.


New Member
here are my thoughts.. #1 you are useing tin foil as a reflective.. get rid of it. #2 Your plants are very stretched and are not very developed for 5 weeks old,, NOT ENOUGH light. #3 I do not see any Perlite in your soil to help drainage... #4 THOSE PLANTS ARE FRIED,, YOU BURNT THEM BAD WITH NUTS..... Throw them out and start over.

Sometimes it is better to just kill the horse and get a new one.

Good luck with which ever way to go.
You'll notice the lamp down low in the corner; tinfoil on the planter is a good call here. Skinnyblakk can just throw more soil in the pot to brace up the meristem. the pictures obviously show green leaves on perky petioles. Potting soil doesn't need perlite to be effective. Happy Frog is a great example.

Telling him to kill his plants.....nice. I would love to be able to negative rep you.


Active Member
Hey everybody thanks for the replies, but the plant is still doing kinda bad. I flushed it last night with some room temp distilled water and sprayed the leaves some, its still got that smell but all the leaves are dried and drooping except for the new growth at the bottom but they are all still mostly green, and the main stem looks a healthy green, so will my plant survive? And should I flush it again with the rest of the distilled water?


New Member
It's going to take a week or two before the plants start to look decent. post up some pics of that lower growth. if you don't have a tripod, rest your arm on something to get better pics. i wanna seem some closeups of the boottom greens. let the soil dry out if you flushed the entire rootball with a lot of water. no more nutes for a couple weeks.

did you back off on the lights? <~ very important.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hmmm.. So what you are saying user Friendly is just because i would throw a dieing plant away and start over. I am worthy of a Negative vote.. Well i say this unto you.. You really should not tell a newbie grower to spend time and effert into trying to save a plant that moist vetrian growers would have trouble saving. Even if that plant was one of my own I would thow it away. You said that it would take a few weeks for that plant START to look better.. Hmmm still have been majorly stressed, and in that same 2 weeks he could have a plant just as big,, more bushy and not stressed and Nut fried. That plant has went through a difficult life. Why is it such a crime to throw away a plant that has a 20% chance to live, and has weeks of all the energy being put into REPAIR instead of growth.

Just a thought Userfriendly,, just a thought.... But then again, I am one of the people that thinks that Perlite is needed in soil to help drainage and help prevent root rot..


New Member
Hmmm.. So what you are saying user Friendly is just because i would throw a dieing plant away and start over. I am worthy of a Negative vote.. Well i say this unto you.. You really should not tell a newbie grower to spend time and effert into trying to save a plant that moist vetrian growers would have trouble saving. Even if that plant was one of my own I would thow it away. You said that it would take a few weeks for that plant START to look better.. Hmmm still have been majorly stressed, and in that same 2 weeks he could have a plant just as big,, more bushy and not stressed and Nut fried. That plant has went through a difficult life. Why is it such a crime to throw away a plant that has a 20% chance to live, and has weeks of all the energy being put into REPAIR instead of growth.

Just a thought Userfriendly,, just a thought.... But then again, I am one of the people that thinks that Perlite is needed in soil to help drainage and help prevent root rot..
Are you kidding?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Userfriendly, You have to be kidding me?? look at those plants.. They are tiny, they are FRIED..... Just because I would not waste my time on them and you would does not make me a crazy grower.

Just because you would repair a 1978 chevy vega with a blown motor and a rusted out body, and I wouldn't repair it, does that make me a stupid car owner?? It means I do not waste my time fixing something that is not worth fixing in my opinion. If they were 3 weeks into flowering stage and something happened then yes most likely I would fight to save them.

By the way UserFriendly, I did a search. Where is your grow Journal, or something. I was just wanting to check out a few of your plants.


New Member
If I did grow, it would be nothing special. Everything has been done. I'm just here to help others.

If you start over every time something goes wrong, your skills will never improve and harvests will be few and far between.

That plant can take off before a seed has a chance to catch it. Maybe he'll get it or maybe he'll lose it, but you can't bullshit this guy with me around.


Active Member
i would try to wait it out another week or 2.. theyre not gunna be back to 100% the next day.. even after a flush its gunna take some time to recover your plant was fucked pretty bad... if it isnt cool in a week throw it out... for 5 weeks man that plant isnt looking too good.. it wont do much for you

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Buddy at least start a few more seeds. This time, try not to over love them. Ignore them. And do not add Nuts for the first 30 days, unless you see they are in need. I can already see what you did wrong,, You over loved those plants. I bet you were in looking at them at least 4-5 times a day. Misting, and just enjoying the sight of your crop. I have a crop going right now... Kind of an experiment. They are in a flood and drain system. 7 plants. They are in Veg stage, once they hit flowering like TOMORROW... I will change this.. But once I had the PH level equalled.. as in was not riseing and droping like Hot air and a rock. I stopped checking on my plants but once everytwo days, and that was just to make sure the lights were not touching them. I am not checking PPM or PH or adding water of nuts. BUT.. every two days I check the lights, and check the water level, if the water level is to low, I add water... Nothing else... Every 10 days I do a rez change with new nuts, and low PPM at that. I am trying to figure out how to grow WEED with as little work as possible. I am tired of not being able to go on vacations and long weekend dates because I have my plants.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Listen,,, marijuana plants are just like Cattle.. they are not like PETS.. If a cow gets sick and will cost more then you will get out of it,, you kill it........

If there is a calf caught breached and all you have to do is stuff you arm up there to your shoulder... then of course you stuff your arm.

But you do not give mouth to mouth to a dead calf that is deformed and to much trouble.

Ok,, I will now step down from my soapbox.


Well-Known Member
Listen,,, marijuana plants are just like Cattle.. they are not like PETS.. If a cow gets sick and will cost more then you will get out of it,, you kill it........

If there is a calf caught breached and all you have to do is stuff you arm up there to your shoulder... then of course you stuff your arm.

But you do not give mouth to mouth to a dead calf that is deformed and to much trouble.

Ok,, I will now step down from my soapbox.
See your wrong at this point. He used bagseed, miracle grow..and didnt buy good lighting. So, really he's not losing that much by learning a thing or two, since he went as cheap or noobish as you go, whichever it may be.