first time grower..EVER!!...bag budget!!


Well-Known Member
Whats up man i just finished reading through your journal and i really liked it you have come a long way from your first post in here to where you have now, it seems like you have learned a ton doin this its awsome. I just recently started my first time and i as well am on a paper thin budget makes me smile knowing im gonna for sure have some challanges on the way. Ne ways ill def keep an eye on here to see how your girls are doin :mrgreen:


Active Member
Whats up man i just finished reading through your journal and i really liked it you have come a long way from your first post in here to where you have now, it seems like you have learned a ton doin this its awsome. I just recently started my first time and i as well am on a paper thin budget makes me smile knowing im gonna for sure have some challanges on the way. Ne ways ill def keep an eye on here to see how your girls are doin :mrgreen:

hey man thanks glad i could shed some light at the end of the tunnel for you...ive spend less then 50 on this whole thing and its turning out great....just get creative thats all i did....

but on another note i checked my plants and one is growing like mad acutly she passed the lights and was up past them bending down for some more i leaned her to the side and notice that her hairs were starting to get an amber color to them! there starting to look yummo!!!


Active Member
alright here are some pics....a lil update if u must.....

one plant died from thinking it got to thirsty one day and i watered it with to many nutes so it just destroyed it :( oh well it was the runt that was taking forever, female non the less, but still taking forever....and looks like there all starting to get a little nute burn the leaves were curling at the tips on a no more nutes for a week or two just straight up water....and one plant was so tall i did a lil of my own lst to LEAN BACK! LOL anyways thats enough jibber jabber ill let the pics do the talkin....



Go to Lowes and buy you 8 plastic keyless light rectacles and 8 100 w cfls 6500k . Mount light receptacles on a peice of plywood and wire up. When you get ready to flower then buy 8 100w 2700k cfls to exchange. I vegged 11 plants with cfls and got great results. Good luck


Active Member
i hope the outdoor one is female i dontknow what it luck it will be a damn male...keep your fingers crossed


Active Member
well today starts my move into another house!!!! so ill take pictures and show you the temp setup that ill have going on untill they are done flowering...the only thing im worried about is the curing process!! im moving away for school in two weeks and there is no way they go with i have to leave them in care of my mother and sister :( im def worried about that!!! oh well ill figure something out!! ill take pictures as i go!


Active Member
damn here is my dilema....people are lookin at my house at 10am tomorrow and then people are shampooing the carpets at the other house that im moving into! damn where to take my plants? wish i had a lil more height in the trunk of my car ide leave them in the trunk for a lil while lol....hmmm well looks like im going to hit up my dad to see if he will take them for a few weeks....


Active Member
well there going in the trunk! and hopefully i can keep them alive! i have a few pictures....

as far as the liight cycle....ahhhh thats the prob i dont think its going to hurt them one day to be fucked around with like this....and my mercedes has a first aid kit in the back window hat rack that i can prop open and let all the natural sun in long as there in total dark by 730 im thinking ill be fine...

anyways peep the pics!



Well-Known Member
LOL Oh shit! Man that's using your head, so glad you didn't freak out and chop them early. Just don't let them get too hot in there. They should do fine. LOL, A new mercedes commercial right there...


Active Member
LOL Oh shit! Man that's using your head, so glad you didn't freak out and chop them early. Just don't let them get too hot in there. They should do fine. LOL, A new mercedes commercial right there...

how you can make use the trunk to grow MJ in lol...acutly if you took out the spare tire you could fit my plants and a power converter and a bunch of cfls in there hahahha but i drive around to much that would like way bad if i got pulled over and got searched! anyways fuck all


Active Member
well here are the pictures of what i got going on....

my mom found some boxed for the move that look like nemo(there from a fish store that has exotic fish)and they have a syrofoam insert just like the im going to build a lil stand out of them and mount this shit in the closet in the new house!! anyways peep the pics of them right now in the garage waitng to be moved again today(for the last time that is) and im force flowering the big outside plant im getting antsy to see what its going to be!!



Active Member
oh ya and look at the last two pictures do you see anything wrong with the plant just by looking at its health????????????????????????????


Active Member
Is that one the outside plant? If it is pic 3 def shows female .
no the big one is in a few posts back but damn is she a beauty!!! and i think shes going to be me for a male there is just alot of foliage on her and she smells so good and shes not getting little balls in the bud areas more like long pods....hopuflly im not trippin out but ill keep my fingers crossed

no no thats one of my inside ones....its the one im having problems with.....

and i been smokin alot more latley so im blazed as shit trippin on these plants and movin and shit(gotta love hookin people up with a good connect cuz then i get to smoke free weed@!!!)

anyways so i added a small layer of rock to the top to cut back on erosion when i waterd the plants cuz i was starting to see little roots at the bottom of the stalk....

and when i moved them this morning i noticed there was alot of water drippin out of the bottom for not being water for 2 days...

so that leads me to my over watering them cuz there not in the heat of the shed anymore so the water isnt evap fast enough and the rocks are holding it in better....

so i brushed the rocks off the top today and just stuffed them in the closet with the lights all half assed cuz the fucking movers showed up 1 1/2 hours early...

they totaly caught me too lol they seen the lights and everything beaming through the closet oh well there cool they wont say shit....

so you think i might have over waterd them?


Active Member
lil update*******
first off im listenin to warren G and smokin a fatty havin one of those days....thats why no pictures today

anyways the bud looks great....but wait....two plants have died...i chopped them down and said fuck it and hung them up....they dried and lookd like shit cuz the cat got them!!! i got pissed and smashed the rest in the bong and ripped it through....not let me tell you i got the weirdest high wow it was like getting high for the first time again! lol....anyways theres three left...two are geting nice fat buds on them and filling out got burned from the day i put them out :(....but its filling out slowly...oh leving them to be tended to while im away at school....then when ready for harvest ill come back and take care of it!!!! oh well....ill get some pictures of them tomorrow...untill then keep on toking!!!


Active Member

ya it did...i belive it went dead today...but i left it to get any little bit out that might be left in there....well it made my shit turn real dark green thats for sure so im thinking yea it worked out well...i need to get more though

I used the same method of delivery on my first attempt during veg, and, just to see the difference (and cause I'm kinda lazy lol), I didn't use it on my current batch. I'm pretty confident that the difference is drastic. You can see for yourself in my journal. I'm gonna start using it again now but with a different delivery method that I got from a guy who commented me because he used to have a janky CO2 setup as well. It's just a one gallon water bottle with hydro hoses poked into holes I burned into the bottle with a lighter. Pour in baking soda and vinegar, close bottle quickly, attach hoses to pot under foliage pointing up, close closet, and let it build up (See pic). When I do it right I find a nice thick haze I almost choke on when I open the door. If there is any airflow it will wash off the CO2 before the plant can take it up. For just a few plants it doesn't make sense economically to buy the solenoid and tank and regulator, that shit costs a lot. The car exhaust in the garage will give it A LOT of CO2 as well though.

School, work, a kid, AND a wife? I thought I had no time. Congrats on the baby girl man.

Good luck with school and the youngin and the current grow, it looks pretty good...too bad you can't keep doin it. It could give you some help monetarily, seein as you have another mouth to feed.

Sorry for taking a whole page of your journal lol




Active Member
well damn here i am a few months later....the wife left me said i wasnt good enough and is takin the daughter with her....its a really long and fucked up story im not getting into and yes when i say her and her fam is to blame im not kiddint they really are, i fucking hate her crazy cunt mom.....anyways and im in school m-f and workin full time so whatever ill do mine....unfortunaly the school im going to is a few hours away from home so i had to leave my sister to tend to the crop. when i got home yesterday i found out i pulled 28g wet but she never got a dry weight cuz my mom found it and smoked most of it. they left me about a 20 sack worth like a couple of punks. anyways thanks for all the support everyone