First time grower has a couple questions


Active Member
Hey what’s up, It's my first time growing (I’m just going to do a soil grow) and I have a few quick questions. First when sprouting my germinated seeds should I Start in the pot the plant will live in all its life or should I start in a smaller pot and transplant to a larger? And what size pots are good? Also I am using just miracle grow potting mix is that ok? As far as lights go while I was waiting for payday I started a sprout on one of those incandescent bulbs made for growing (which aren’t worth a shit) but now I think I'm going to buy a fluorescent lamp and 2 fluorescent grow bulbs ( made for aquariums and terrariums) should these be ok? I have been working on changing an old metal cabinet into a decent grow box, and was thinking of trying a sea of green method so I can keep the plants small and still get good harvests when the time comes. Unfortunately I’ve been having some problems finding good pics of someone’s "sea of green" box to base mine off of. Also would it interfere with growth if I also but a couple of incandescent bulbs (either heat bulbs or grow bulbs) to use for supplemental light and for heat? Because the box will have to stay on my back porch because I don’t have enough room in my house. Last but not least is it necessary for the box to be air tight or will light tight only be ok? Thanks guys.