First time grower, having plant problems, Plant is about 1 month old.

Okay so this is my first grow and my baby has been doing pretty good so far. But lately with in the last week or so she's got some problems. It looks like someone has stabbed tiny holes in some of the leaves, and looks like a few leaves have been almost bitten off. It makes no since i've checked my baby over and i can't see any bugs at all or anything like that. The leaves are starting to droop cause lack of nutes i believe. I planted her in MG i know it's bad but it was all i had. Any sugestions on what i should do about the leaves drooping and any thoughts on whats happening to my baby? Thanks in advance.

First pic is of the one thats half bitten off i think
Second pic is of the tiny holes in the leaves.
Also sorry for crappy quality.



Active Member
Thats an odd one. You sure you didnt run the big one into something? something sticky, like a fly trap? Just looks odd. The smaller holes are odd as well, even if you dont think its bugs, I would spray them. I use Azamax for most bug probs. Works for me. And definitely do not use miracle grow, way out of wack nute wise especially for little ones. I use Roots Organic cut 50 50 with Promix for seedlings or clones. Good luck man