First Time Grower needs help


New Member
I'm intrested in growing marijuana and has been researching...alot about it and theres nothing compared to asking real people questions. all i really would like to know is what to get like what materials i should get (please keep in mind that my spending limit is $50, im growing in my attic, and im growing for self pleasure. i want to grow one plant for now) thats really my main question. but some other questions that i have would be like what kind of soil, is hyponex okay? what kind of secudual would i have to be on for the veg stage (i'm attending school)? what about the smell? and what about spring break what if im out of town. you know questions like that you know i really am just a flatout n00b at this and i really love mary jane but im sick of buying her i want to grow and smooke and toke for free. so you know anything will help. and please do remember im only spending around 50 bucks and i just want sum nice medium grade weed.
thanks alot!:mrgreen:
P.S- if you have any tips for parents (my parents visit alot) please pm me.


Well-Known Member
i spent just about tht much... buy a 23 watt = to 100 watts and get a lamp , get a 2 liter soad bottle cut it in half put some mircal grow ( or what ever soil your using ) germinate ur seeds pop them in and in about 42 to 72 hours you seeds will sprout outa the soil , turn you light on for 24/7 or 18/6 or i even do16/8


Well-Known Member
You can go into the depot and buy a light ballest for $8 model number 732-334. It holds 2 t12 fluorescent 40w 40 inch bulbs. The bulbs cost $2.50 each. Buy 1) cool white and 1) warm white. I had a problem finding warm white at my depot and had to go to a lighting store. But still $2.50 each light. Then buy a jffy pellet greenhouse Jiffy-7 5710 Mini Greenhouse 12 Peat Pellet: Home Improvement
I got mine at walmart. Cost $2.50 or so. Very cheap.
After that, buy some pots to put your seedlings in. I got (8) 2 gallon basic black plastic pots for $1 each at a local garden supply company. Right now you are at $23.00 cost give or take a buck or two with your tax. Now go an get some grow medium. I can't recommend any at this point at my plants have yet to be transplanted into the larger containers with any medium. I have purchased MG Africian Violet soil. I have heard good and bad things about it. One thing is make sure the soil is not a time released feeding type and look at the 3 numbers on the bags. Look for a higher 1st number. I'm sure others will chime in on that subject and will give you better advice. But either way you can get bags of soil rangeing from $2.00 to $20 depending on what you need. But on average I would say $10 would cover you and get you started. So now you are up to $33.00. Buy a PH kit. You can find a meter for about $10. Now your at $43.00. Buy some distilled water. My Food town cost $0.99. Buy about 5 gallons. Now your at $48.00. Save the last two dollars for papers. No seriously once you have these items you can start growing. But you will need to invest money on a HPS light in the next two months cause that about the time your plants will need to be moved to flowering. And if you have read like you said you did, then you know HPS is the way to go with that. And they cost some money. So try and save about $25.00 to $40 per week over the next two months and you will be ready and good to go. You will also need to buy some chems but for now you are under $50 and you can get started.

BTW I would not recommend 1 plant. 4 at minimum. Cause you can get males and you dont want that. Also if you are in school. I would say hold off. Your going to be getting out of school for summer break in May, thats 3 months away. You will be able to get into the flower stage but still you should be able to check your plants every day. I would either start when I got home for an over the summer grow. Or wait till you get back. You can grow a full on plant with in 1 term. But I would not recommend it. Young men and women in college have big fucking mouths. Last thing you need is to get kicked out of school for growing. Grow at home and dont tell anyone. Not even your best friends. People are just fucked up and can't keep their mouths shut. Imagine this. You are at school. You are at a party. Everyone is FUCKED up. Your one boy who can't hold a drop of beer to save his life, starts yelling. YO MY BOY IS GROWING SO MAD CRAZY SHIT RIGHT FUCKING NOW IN THE ATTIC. LETS GO CHECK IT OUT. Fuck that shit.


New Member
wow dude thanks alot thats just the kind of info i was looking for thanks alot!
i spent just about tht much... buy a 23 watt = to 100 watts and get a lamp , get a 2 liter soad bottle cut it in half put some mircal grow ( or what ever soil your using ) germinate ur seeds pop them in and in about 42 to 72 hours you seeds will sprout outa the soil , turn you light on for 24/7 or 18/6 or i even do16/8