First time grower - Nutrients question


Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of growing barney's farm Pineapple express in multi-purpose compost (It's not the best, i know :sad:). I've just been using tap water that's been left out so things like chlorine can evaporate etc. The problem i'm having at the moment is there is just SO much information on nutrients/vegging boosters/flowering boosters that i literally don't know what to use/not to use. People say stay off Miracle grow because of the slow release, others are saying some auto-flowering strains are pussies and can be killed pretty easy at the early stages :(

Can anyone give me some really simple advice for what a newbie should do in my position? I know a lot of people mix their own nutes/tea's etc, but is there a "buy this, mix with water and give it to your plant" nute? such as:

If anyone has some really simple/easy to follow tips i'd really appreciate it.



Active Member
If you have a garden shop or something near you, look for (Peters)Jacks classic 20-20-20, Dyna-grow, or Miracle grow. They will do the job and allow you to learn. Just pay attention to the N-P-K ratios. Miracle grow potting soil has slow release, but they also make a water soluble plant food that is much like anything else you will find.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of growing barney's farm Pineapple express in multi-purpose compost (It's not the best, i know :sad:). I've just been using tap water that's been left out so things like chlorine can evaporate etc. The problem i'm having at the moment is there is just SO much information on nutrients/vegging boosters/flowering boosters that i literally don't know what to use/not to use. People say stay off Miracle grow because of the slow release, others are saying some auto-flowering strains are pussies and can be killed pretty easy at the early stages :(

Can anyone give me some really simple advice for what a newbie should do in my position? I know a lot of people mix their own nutes/tea's etc, but is there a "buy this, mix with water and give it to your plant" nute? such as:

If anyone has some really simple/easy to follow tips i'd really appreciate it.

i say stay away from mg unless its an outdoor crop as of right now im using flornova bloom with great results and from what i read it can be used as a veg nute to but i think it lacks a lil in N cheap stuff look into it they sell a grow to but was told i only needed bloom


I've had great success with FoxFarm OceanForest soil. it has a neutral NPK ratio and is great from seed to harvest. Depending on how heavy a feeder your plant is you will need secondary nutes after about 1 month or so. There's tons of nutes out there so I know how hard it can be to decide whats good and whats shit. I use General Hydroponics liquid 3-part nutes, they're floranova product is great too. Hope this helps and feel free to hit me up with any other questions you have.