First time grower. Opinions?


Hello. I'm dspot. I have started 3 plants. 2 are a little over a month old 3rd is almost 2 months old. I'm just looking for input on my first grow. I have to hydrogalaxy 300w led lights. Ive built a box will two fans one blowing in at bottom and one up top blowing out. I'm posting pictures of my progress. The older plant has yet to show signs of sex. But I already switched lights to 12/12 on 10/4. They are slowing coming up.



The bushy one is a bag seed that started me growing. The other two are bubba autos. Willing to take all advice given!! I use fox farms soil and trio pack.


Lookin good brother. I would suggest maybe clearing up underneath your plant on the third picture for air flow, and the fact that they won't be receiving much light.


Lookin good brother. I would suggest maybe clearing up underneath your plant on the third picture for air flow, and the fact that they won't be receiving much light.
Awesome!! I'm glad they look good!! I'll have to get pics with out the light on. But I'm not sure how exactly to clear it up.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
Take pics without the blurple light on , Auto's do poorly with light less then 18/6 , I would make the choice and pick one or the other, the auto's or the photo, dont grow both at the same time unless it's vegging time for the photos.


Active Member
I'm not expert but I would suggest cleaning up the 2 month old plant if you are in 12/12.. mode light to those bud sites, bigger the buds. Don't go crazy though. Lookin good.


Thanks everyone for your comments. But how do you "clear" it up. I was told not to cut leaves because it could stun the plant. Suggestions? I'll also have pictures with out the led on after work tonight.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed with autos that they are unite hardy and don't mine a few leaves being trimmed off.
Just make sure you do it the correct way and be careful not to pull stem skin of with the leaf.


I've noticed with autos that they are unite hardy and don't mine a few leaves being trimmed off.
Just make sure you do it the correct way and be careful not to pull stem skin of with the leaf.
Well thank you!! :) the bushy one isn't a auto tho. It was a bag seed. Purple cream.


Well thank you so much!! I will start there then!! :) I have a growing book but doesn't really say much about trimming and such. So thank you!! :) I'm glad they look good tho!! Few more hours and I'll have pics of them with out the led lights.