First Time Grower, Watering Question


Active Member
This is my first time growing and I have a quick question about water. I have a pretty simple water meter that tells me if the soil is Dry (1-3), Moist (4-6) or Wet (7-9). My plants are still small, only a week old. At about halfway down the pot, the meter reads 2-3, being pretty dry. However, at the bottom of the pot the meter reads 5-6, fairly moist. Should I water when the pots are dry midway down because the plants are still small, or wait until the entire pot dries out? Thanks


Well-Known Member
How big are the pots? If its soaking wet from the bottom to the middle then your probably fine because thats where the roots are. I check about 3 inches down, if its dry there then i water. You will know also by how the leaves of your plants look whether or not they need water. If they are still small then definately don't overwater. They don't need much at that stage anyways.


Active Member
How big are the pots? If its soaking wet from the bottom to the middle then your probably fine because thats where the roots are. I check about 3 inches down, if its dry there then i water. You will know also by how the leaves of your plants look whether or not they need water. If they are still small then definately don't overwater. They don't need much at that stage anyways.
Pots are pretty small, probably 5 inches long by 5 wide and 6 or so tall


I agree on holding off on the watering. It is a little easier to do permanent damage through over watering and killing roots by depriving them of oxygen and inducing root rot. Overwatering can also cause the soil to acidify due to anaerobic activity by microbes, resulting in nutrient lockout.
My advice would be to watch closely and get an understanding of:
1) How much your plants can tolerate drying out, let them dry until you see faint signs of wilting, take note and water (this technique requires vigiliance, as excessive drying can kill a plant as well).
Note that sativas and landrace varieties tend to be more tolerant of underwatering than most commercial indicas and indica/sativa hybrids.
2)How well your soil mix retains moisture between waterings. Use the weight of the container to guage when to water.
3) How much foliage do you have in relation to the amount of soil mix. Through transpiration, plants with more leaves will naturally suck more water from the soil and release it as vapor from the leaves while the plant "breathes".

Most importantly, learn to recognize your plants as individuals and become as familiar as you can with their needs. Every plant needs some individual attention.


Well-Known Member
just pick the pots up if there light then they prolly need a watering, i usually water every 3 to 4 days


New Member
remember most plant deaths occur due to over watering. I mainly grow in DWC, but when I grow in soil I usually only water every 2nd or 3rd day and sparingly even then depending on pot and plant size ofcourse.