First Time Grower, With Pics. Every week!


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

We have been reading here for about 2-3 weeks now, And we have decided to finally plant our seeds..

We purchased these seeds from a friend, They are an unknown strain, but it came from good sources.

1. We first germinated the seed using the paper towel and two plates method. Like a UFO. In a dark environment

2. 1 week later and a root about 6-9 cm long sprouted. We planted the seedling root first.

3. Attached a Flo Light soon after planting, and sprayed a bit of water.

4. What you guys are about to see is 3 weeks into growing. We have the plant with 24 hours of light.

--- In order to keep a good cool, humid, CLEAN and bright environment we constructed a PVC tower... We then covered this tower with Green House Tarp. And made small openings to work in the tower.

We are using Soil, Thou we plan on moving to hydro soon after we find a female bongsmilie
-we are only planting one seed to determine the genetics and testing. This is our first time

The soil mix we are using is a sterilize potting soil, we then added Peat Moss - For Drainage/PH Balance/and to retain moisture at the same time.

For food we added manure which had been cured for 2 weeks!

Here are the pics as promised.

We where wondering, Does this plant look as healthy as we think? Not sure if you guys can see but it has just a tint of yellow on the edges, Should that be present this early?

We only use water which is at a 6.5 Ph, We dont add any kind of plant food, Is the manure to strong?

Let us know! More pics next week.



Active Member
Hey everyone,
We just found out the plant is a Hindu Kush and Classic Sensi Star mix.

Does anyone know if we should be topping this plant? It is said to only grow 4-5 feet. Which is fine, But will topping produce more buds/yield?

Any help is appreciated.



Active Member
Here is a quick end of the week update. Plants is growing slower than we thought it would.

Temps are between 74-81 degrees. Anyone have techniques in keeping a steady temp?
RH is at 50-65% we spray the room every hour...

Accourding to the information on the net, The Kush we have responds well to topping or LST.

We plan on using both methods of training. on different plantsIMAG0079.jpg


Well-Known Member
hmm well LST and topping just gives you more uniform growth and small nugs vs a main cola if you just leave it alone. what do you mean "spray the room"?! dont spray anything!! keeping the humidity high is a recipe for mold. feed her half stength nutes every other water when she gets her 4th set of leaves. how close are your lights i think it should be growing maybe a little faster


Active Member
I like to grow pure Hindu Kush, the typically grow like any Indica shorter and bushy. I have topped mine and yes they will grow out more colas when you top. I would recommend reading Uncle Ben's topping method if you plan to do so, if you have not already.

What kind of soil are you using? Would not feed any nutes yet at all way too young especially if you have high levels of nitrogen in your soil. What kind of light are you using and how far away from the plant is it?

Also I would recommend not switching to hydro from soil in the same grow, personally have never grown hydro all soil for me but I cannot imagine that with the possible stress that could cause to a plant it would not be worth it.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the post..

What we mean by spraying the room is simply misting it along the plastic. We have a fan circulating the air.
This keeps our PVC tower at a 50-60% of RH. - Should we not be doing this?

Growing the first 4 weeks, We are currently using cheap a Aquarium equipment light rated @ 120V AC. 60Hz, 20W. It is about 5-6 inches away.

We plan on switching to a 700W HPS, 5 weeks into the grow period. Should we put this under the HPS already? We also think they are growing slow. Good observation.

We are running a 24/0 light schedule right now. With the HPS we want 18/6 for a schedule. Save power.
Nutes & Soil-

The soil we are using is a basic soil, which we added cured horse compost manure.. We plan on using a soil less mix next time.

What we did not take into account, was the lack of Nitrogen horse manure provides. Perfect example of lack of research!!
Also, we will not be switching to a Hydro setup from soil. We plan on keeping the clones in a Aeroponics system.
Sorry for that miss understanding

1. The edges of the leaves where curling like a taco towards the light.
2. Plant did not grow all week.
3. Horse Manure Mix .

With this new information, We diagnosed the plant on 8/23 and combined: 1 Gallon (GH Flora 3 series.) We think its lacking Nitrogen... Lol
Possible Solutions 8/24-

We are using half the recommend strength. It was advised to use 2.5ml of each product. We added 1.25ml.. We mixed this with 1 Gallon of water
We added the solution to a spray bottle, and sprayed 3 times directly under the main stem into the soil.
Ending Statement-

Pictures where taken today 8/25. We have not added any water or food since 8/23.
The plant responded very well to the GH mix. The leaves have formed back to the all familiar shape as you can see.
No more Taco leaves!

Question- How often does someone think we should feed this?
All we check for dryness to water. Some say "feed for 2 weeks". Does that mean nothing but this solution for 2 weeks?! No water?
...sounds rough

Thanks everyone for the helpful post and replies.

We will post more pics as new life sprouts!

Thank you for the information about the topping. That article is great, It was honestly the first one we found.

We also found a very nice guide. Which we can share we hope.
we plan on using this on some clones. FIM




Active Member
Quick Update: Leaves are now a deep rich forest green.

We have only fed this plant the GH mix 3 times. And watered once this week..

How often should we feed the GH mix? Pics later tonight


Active Member
How old is your plant now? I am growing Sensi Kush right now too and it has been a slow one in the flowering process. For me under a 600W HPS it took about 45 days to show its sex, versus the 32 days it took my other plants. Be careful not to over water I wouldn't be feeding it nutes yet, wait until you see some more growth. I think you might need more light, my friend. This has been a very stable strain for me so good luck!!

Edit: On another note I saw you said this plant is 3 weeks old? This is my Sensi Kush at 17 days from planting the seed... you need more light and your plants will love it!



Active Member
Yes, The plant is growing slow, But now that we added a very mild GH mix. It has turned dark green, and sprouted new growth...We think its poor soil.

It has been 3 days since we have fed the plant. But we have added water..We always check an inch or two for dryness before we water.

How far should the 700w hps be from the little one? We also have one 1 week old. Could that stand the HPS?


Active Member
I start running my HPS when they sprout. Everyone has different methods for lighting their rooms in veg and flower. I had heat stress this way which I learned from and fixed in my latest grow, but even my most stressed plant ended up the most vigorous in my room. Just have your light at a level where if you stick your hand above your plants, it's not uncomfortable. I can't imagine it's your soil otherwise the appearance of your plant would support that. The brown spot on your leaves is probably from the shell of the seed sticking to it as it was sprouting, that's the only damage I see. If the roots weren't able to pick up nutrients, you'd be able to tell.


Active Member
Thank you for that information Dellamore.

I will post some pics tonight of how green the plant has become. The only yellow is on the last 2 leaves, Where you mentioned the seed is still attached.


Active Member
Hey Guys, End of the week. Figure we would post a few more before the long weekend ends.

We have a new sprout. This baby is about 1 week and 3 days old. Just water, Added a spray of the GH mix 2 days ago.

Let me know what you guys think!

The original plant is very petite/small It is growing. Just slowly


The Dark green plant is the new one. 1 week and a few days old.

The light green, yellow tinted plant, Is the 3-4 week plant.

Midget plant for the win



Active Member
Anyone have any other ideas as to why the other plant is so small and yellow?

They are both being grown in the same soil mix. Which we plan on changing once the plant is nice and dry.

The only difference is the days they where planted.

Would poor water cause this? Or does it seem like a lack of NUTES.



Active Member
Today we felt the need to change the soil.. Once the soil was dry, we purchased some MG Vegetable and Flower Soil Mix. Seems to have enough food for 3 months.

It was the only brand with the closes NPK needed.

We hope not wont worry about poor soil or lack of nutes.. We hope this soil will do the plant some good and grow us a suitable plant for cloning.

Will be updating soon, 3-4 days should be a good time for the plants ot settle from the root handling




Active Member
Day 3 in the new soil,
The original plant has begun to turn a deep green. All growth has stopped for now on both plants.
When we transplanted to the new soil
We noticed the old soil to be super tough, and almost impossible for us to break apart with our hands...

This appears to be the reason why the plants are so small. And stopped growing.
The soil we used originally was just SHIT as in HORRIBLE SOIL..

So we hope this MG mix will do us some good, And provide the plant with all the basic nutes it needs for a few months... The soil is very airy and fluffy, Should be much easier for the roots to seek for water and air.-

We also plan on building a light stand to hold our 45lb HPS + Ballast Lamp. This 20W lamp does work well, but we want faster results.

Pics soon!