First Time Grower--Would you look over my buy list and evaluate it Plz?


Well-Known Member
As the thread title says, I am a first time grower. I have been reading several books on growing and I think I am ready to begin buying my set-up. But I would like some evaluations from more experienced people.

I live in a condo in a large high rise so stealth is a priority (smell especially). I have purchased 10 feminized White Widow seeds from Attitude, and plan to start growing 4 plants in my tent. Here is what I have so far:

Grow Tent 32x32x63
250w MH/HPS with Digital ballast
4" Inline Duct Fan
4" Carbon Filter Fan
4" Duct Muffler
2x Speed Controller
4x 3 Gallon Smart Pots
12" PH/ Moisture meter
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Flora Series Nutrients

I think that's it. Would you mind giving me feedback to a noob?


Well-Known Member
Wow!?! 24 views and no one wants to help a noob out? Yikes... Should I take it that everything looks okay for a stealth condo grow? I am okay going with a 250W HID over a 400w HID?

This thread isn't going like I expected...


Well-Known Member
Your list looks very impressive. Maybe a bit much for your first grow. I'm using ffof and their trio nute pack. I only have a 400w mh/hps conversion set up and I've had some very good grows in a closet. In my opinon start simple and build up from there. I would go with the 400w. More light equals bigger yields. Good luck with all


Well-Known Member
Your list looks very impressive. Maybe a bit much for your first grow. I'm using ffof and their trio nute pack. I only have a 400w mh/hps conversion set up and I've had some very good grows in a closet. In my opinon start simple and build up from there. I would go with the 400w. More light equals bigger yields. Good luck with all
Thank you for your reply, gopherbuddah. This is my problem and where my being a noob hurts me the most--Trying to decide what watt light to use. Since my tent is 32x32x63 (2'8"x2'8"x5'3") I worry that with a 400w MH/HPS it will give me too much heat in that size tent. That is why I cut it back to 250w, which I think would be more manageable heat wise.

Any suggestions on lighting or any other part of my grow room would be helpful. TIA


Well-Known Member
With that fan to pull in air heat shouldn't be an issue. Like I said I'm growing in a closet with a 400w bulb and I've only got a 2" circular fan that doesn't pull in fresh air (just kinda blows air on the plants and I keep the door slightly cracked and have no heat issues. The set up you wanna get will work perfectly with a 400w light. I wish I could shell out the cash for such a nice rig. I give you two snaps up in z formation on your list. I see nothing but good things in your grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again gopherbuddah. I am looking forward to begining my grow...I will take a look at the 400w MH/HPS HID's, if you really think that is the better route.


Everything looks good once you get the 400w.

Haven't used Flora series nutrients. I use foxfarm Ocean Forest w/ Big Grow/Tiger Bloom/Big Bloom along with some Superthrive for root development etc. Works great for me.


Well-Known Member
I haven't looked into that. I am really quite ignorant to nutrients, so the more help the better on that. Thanks dwarfman.


Well-Known Member
howdy joker.

your list looks very good. don't put your seedlings into the ocean forest though, it's too "hot". get some soil like fox farms light warrior. something made for seedlings, then transplant into the ocean forest.

when i bought my similar sized tent for veg, my local hydro guy (who has known me for 15 years) told me that a 400 would not be a good idea because of the heat in that size tent. what does he know? lol

as most of the gentlemen here say to get a 400, i can't argue with them as i haven't tried it. i personally would stick with a 250 in that tiny space but if these guys all have experience with a 400 in that closed tiny tent and know that a fan can bring it down to a good temp, what can i say?

once you grow a bit you may want to get a bigger tent. enjoy the hobby brother. it's a good one!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice set up MJ !
I have the EXACT same size tent, but made by HomeBox.
Check my sig and my grows for detailed info.
I too use a 400w Hortilux in a Sun System Yield Master II - 6 inch air cooled hood.
BUT, I DO NOT air cool it and my temps stay 79F - 82F.
I have 2 flaps down below, opposite my 6 inch Can Fan, open for passive intake.
My Can Fan sits OUTSIDE and ON TOP of my tent, extracting the air straight up into my attic via 3ft of RIGID air ducting WITH NO BENDS !
The glass lens is off my hood and I can still get the 400w Horti within 5 - 6 inches of the colas.
My tent also sits in a walk-in closet in a guest bedroom/office with the closet door closed most of the time.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of great ferts out there. any of the 2 or 3 parts work fine. over the years i've used botanicare, fox farm, general hydroponics, dutch masters, advanced nutrients (which i currently use) etc etc etc. just buy one and don't over think it.

i would recommend that you get a bud enhancer too like "big bud" from advanced nutes. keep it simple the first grow. you'll adjust as you learn what's what. the only way to get good at growing is to grow it!

get some black strap molasses too. i use it thoughout flowering. 1 tsp per gallon.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Listen to FB ! ^^^
He's been around a long time ! lol

Say FB - I will be poppin those C88's this Fall !!
Thanks again !!


Well-Known Member
Listen to FB ! ^^^
He's been around a long time ! lol

Say FB - I will be poppin those C88's this Fall !!
Thanks again !!

howdy FG!

i'm thinking of cracking a few of the cindy's myself. i think i'm going to do some breeding with it. i have so many crosses that i've made that i need to grow some out but so many genetics so little room. :)

i've got 22 fems at 76 days flower. i'm drooling.

the thread starter is a friend from the same place as beaverhtr. help him out if you can!


Well-Known Member
Nice set up MJ !
I have the EXACT same size tent, but made by HomeBox.
Check my sig and my grows for detailed info.
I too use a 400w Hortilux in a Sun System Yield Master II - 6 inch air cooled hood.
BUT, I DO NOT air cool it and my temps stay 79F - 82F.
I have 2 flaps down below, opposite my 6 inch Can Fan, open for passive intake.
My Can Fan sits OUTSIDE and ON TOP of my tent, extracting the air straight up into my attic via 3ft of RIGID air ducting WITH NO BENDS !
The glass lens is off my hood and I can still get the 400w Horti within 5 - 6 inches of the colas.
My tent also sits in a walk-in closet in a guest bedroom/office with the closet door closed most of the time.
there are a lot of great ferts out there. any of the 2 or 3 parts work fine. over the years i've used botanicare, fox farm, general hydroponics, dutch masters, advanced nutrients (which i currently use) etc etc etc. just buy one and don't over think it.

i would recommend that you get a bud enhancer too like "big bud" from advanced nutes. keep it simple the first grow. you'll adjust as you learn what's what. the only way to get good at growing is to grow it!

get some black strap molasses too. i use it thoughout flowering. 1 tsp per gallon.
Thank both of you guys so much. That really helps me out...

I plan on using the 4" inline duct fan for intake and using my 4" carbon fan filter with a duct muffler as exhaust. As far as nutrients go, I am still learning. There are so many on the market, and I am really looking for an easy ABC type of nutrient set up.


Well-Known Member
Great. I finally got my nutrients set then...Well all that is left then for me is to begin buying my equipment and then start growing!!! Wish me luck amigos!


Well-Known Member
Great. I finally got my nutrients set then...Well all that is left then for me is to begin buying my equipment and then start growing!!! Wish me luck amigos!
good luck brother.


since most people break #1, remember one thing, when one of your best friends gets busted (yeah, yeah, they would never rat on your grow would get them off the hook. you'd never know who did it to you either. 17 years growing, only 2 people knew what i did and only one saw the grow.

girls - the #1 reason dumb asses like me let somebody see my grow. once she saw it and i was tired of the drama and wanted her gone, i was stuck. would she get pissed and rat me out? she's latina and fine as hell so maybe! :)

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
No prob FB, glad to help MJ out !
Also so true about ppl knowing.
Only my wife knows, and she aint going anywhere ! lol

FB -
I also have 2 DPD (see avatar) in rooters and should be up and out by Friday.
Tap roots showed this morning.
If I get that purple female, I'll send you any crosses if you want.
Just PM me of course !
I owe you BIG TIME for all them Cindy 88 beans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What else you got !? lmao j/k

MJ -
With a carbon scrubber, you will need a fan with high CFM's for extraction.
Pop in that 400w and a 6 inch fan, if possible.
You'll end up doing later anyways b/c you won't get the full potential from a tent our size.


Well-Known Member
So far, I am good to go on not telling anyone, and I don't plan to either. Not only do I fear being ratted out, but I fear that the idiots I know would be constantly hitting me up for free weed. I plan on just using MMJ for myself, not interested in selling or sharing.