First time growers one step at a time


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say i know a lad that did a grow(last year) with 1 hps 600watt light balanced on a piece of wood over the top of 2 shelfs and old blankets covering it all
The soil was a 2 dollar bag
The ph down was from a fish shop
And used no nutes but bloom at the late stage no fan or extractor he yeiled 2/3 oz off each plant so if your a first timer you shouldnt invest big thousands of pounds try grow naturaly and get use to growing weed its like having kids the more experienced you are the more your better at looking after it so dont throw yourself in the deep end!


Active Member
i agree my first grow was on cfl and i will grow forever on cfls untill something cheaper on the electrical side.:bigjoint:


Active Member
totally agree, no need to spend mega bucks on your first grow. this is the most resiliant plant you will ever try to grow. the more you mess up the more you will learn, this plant is more forgiving


Active Member
I just started a grow and I have spent 100 bucks total and I think I have a fairly nice setup (CFLs) going and 2 strong healthy plants. Good advice