First time growing using dwc pH is being crazy help..


Active Member
Does anyone have an issue with your pH being off every hour. Using tap water, clay pebbeles media,flora trio nutrients. Ec is fine for veg still only 3 weeks old from a seed. Have used distilled white vinegar to bring down pH but only lasts like an hour or two then it's back up to 6.3 or even to 7.5???? I'm waiting for pH down to arrive tomorrow. What should I do??


Active Member
Does anyone have an issue with your pH being off every hour. Using tap water, clay pebbeles media,flora trio nutrients. Ec is fine for veg still only 3 weeks old from a seed. Have used distilled white vinegar to bring down pH but only lasts like an hour or two then it's back up to 6.3 or even to 7.5???? I'm waiting for pH down to arrive tomorrow. What should I do??
How does the root ball or roots look? Are they white and heathy looking or are they brownish? Also whats the temp of the water in the reservoir? Ditch the tap water.


Active Member
Well, I just changed everything in the res. Ph at 5.8. all is good with it not going crazy anymore. I think it was just the water. Anyway here is some progress photos.


Well-Known Member
I normally wait til the plant has about 5 nodes and top back to the 4th.
I then strip all of the growth below the 3rd node, let them grow a few new nodes on the 3rd & 4th and top each again.
Gives me 6-8 tops and a sea of tertiary shoots.


Active Member
I normally wait til the plant has about 5 nodes and top back to the 4th.
I then strip all of the growth below the 3rd node, let them grow a few new nodes on the 3rd & 4th and top each again.
Gives me 6-8 tops and a sea of tertiary shoots.
On the nodes I think they are just coming in I saw new leaves sprout in-between the main stem and branch on each set of branches all of them. I'm excited


Active Member
Also what's a good way to lower my temp usually with no exhaust only fans it's been 80 to 85 today it got up to 92°? Do I need an exhaust was kind of avoiding it if I could


Active Member
Absolutely MUST have proper ventilation.
Are you growing in a tent or open space?
Small tent, I just got an adjustable 4" with carbon filter. My plant didn't make it. However I do have 2 gg#4 and 2 do si do that I got sprouted in a rapid rooters baby shot out after one night in the rapid rooter. It was crazy.