first time growing


Active Member
hade a plant given to me by a mate (top mate)it is ready to flower.hade it on 12/12 under a 400w hps light for 3 days and everything is looking good :mrgreen: the plant is about 1' tall and fully dressed how long do u think it will be before it starts to show the way i have the light about 2' away from plant is that ok and one more thing how often do you think i should water it i have bio budd and top max booster for it.any comments would be aprecihated thanks:joint:


Well-Known Member
should show flowering with in 1-2 weeks.

put your hand under your light. if it is too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your plant. adjust accordingly

watering depends on strain, soil and other factors. generally you want your soil to dry out. once it is dried out, time to re-water. your container needs to have holes on the bottom for excess water to go out.

that's about it. also, try not to disturb your plants while they are sleeping.


in about a week, follow the directions of the bottle but use at 1/4th of the strength it says. get your hps as close as possible without burning them for better results.


slowly move up, but be careful, if you have any signs of nute burn, lay off, only fert every other watering..