First time hydro, little help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been absent for a while. I'm using a GH Rainforest, and have a quick question.

My mother is in soil, and I have several clones that are rooted in Rapid Rooter plugs. My question is this: After net pots, do I put a coco liner in, then a little hydroton, then the clone in rapid rooter, with hydroton for support. I'm just wondering what the best way to move the rooted clones (in rapid rooters/dome) to my Rainforest. I'm going to flower after a very short veg time so however I set it up will be how they finish.

I know this is kind of a silly question that is obvious to most of you. This is my first time with hydro, and don't wanna a fkup. I took the time to grow a nice mature mom to take clones from, and would like to get a nice yield from this crop without screwing it up. I just need to know the best way to "plant" these clones in this system. Thanks in advance!:peace: