First time hydro user


Well-Known Member
If those are two weeks old then you have a problem. I know that there are a lot of posts here where I see little baby plants in a huge fields of media and a problem. Why not keep it simple until they are ready for the big world?


Active Member
what kind of lights? Try putting them closer, that one plant it looks like its really trying to stretch out.

Also, agree with other poster about the size of your medium. Try a smaller container if you can next time and transplant to that system after they are more established.


Active Member
2/1000 w hps hortilux bulbs. Phantom digital ballasts. in a 12x8 room.
Wow, that is a lot of light disregard my suggestion earlier.

At this point, I think you'd be better off scrapping these plants, once they're stunted they never really recover. Over the long run you'll be better off with a healthy start to their lives.

Try restarting in a better environment for seedlings, i.e. lower wattage lighting and smaller containers.


Well-Known Member
I have three seedlings in the flower room under 1000w mh and 1000w hps along with all my other plants and after 4 weeks they are about a foot tall and starting to flower. in the last week [week 4] they went from falling over and being weak to looking great and standing tall....just wait on them ...put them in 12/12....maybe. This is my first grow with supernaturals fearless garden. I have grown for 5-6 yrs in soil and I cloned with DWC a bunch. this method of ebb & flo is easy so far.