First Time on Shrooms, Any Advice?


Active Member
it all deppends on what kind you have, the first time i did em i had what you could consider "schwag" shrooms, i had 3 grams at once and i tripped good, items breathings, slight visuals, colors were vibrant as fuck, and my dads voice sounded like the teacher from charlie brown. second time i had one gram of bluestem gold caps, and holyyyyy fuck. pretty strong visuals, and i was so into everything, lik ei was watching cnn and this dude was talking politics, and it raised so many quesitons to me. quesitons that had nothing to do with politics. its a trip man, just have good thoughts and your trip will be good


Active Member
It's kind of like asking what it's like to go to space... Someone could tell you, but you will never grasp it, until you go...
Just think, happy, lots of colors, nausea, etc..
meh I disagree, people said this to me when they couldn't give a good explanation of what being high is like. Now that I've been high I think its easy to create an explanation on what the experience is like.


Well-Known Member
eh i dont think it is that hard to explain. When i am on shrooms it feels like everything is just so happy, nice and perfect just about. Lol i usually just end up sitting in front of my grow and watch that lol. And if you take enough then you start seeing stuff, that is fun.


Active Member
if you can do it outside in a comfortable setting, and maybe 15 minutes after eating the shrooms drink some orange juice it helps getting you fucked up making your trip more of an experience. I always wanted to try to explain how you feel on shrooms but really the best way to describe it is to say i'm on shrooms. Kick back and relax man and hope its all you've expected it to be.