First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for some seeds so you can keep the strain going without purchasing new seeds and you end up with two females. Why not try to stress one a little into going hermie. That way you get your own feminized seeds? Or if you have a male save the pollen sacs in bags, then tie the bag around just a small bud site. So you get seeds but the rest of the flowers are not affected. I'm sure that would help keep the potency up while still giving you seeds. This would also prevent your case from having pollen stuck to it and possibly pollinating later harvest on accident.


Well-Known Member
I heard giving them a little kick or a poke works, maybe fuck with there lights, but only by like an hour or so, and some guy suggested giving your plants little nicks (slivers) or pressing a small thumbtack through the bottompeice of a stem, but these were for bigger plants. I'll try and find the thread but i cant remmember what it was called.


Well-Known Member
thanks lunch appreciated, no update today boys got home late from work and lights were off but this morning i think plant 2 is coming out of a long shock its finaly pumping out leaves like no tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear DW. Glad the 2nd one is deciding to do some work.

If the show that they are both female. After they've established some flowers, you could take one out before lights out and give it some extra light. This is they only way I can think of to stress it without physically damaging the plant. So I also assume it's the least stressful way. Remember stress is bad so if you can accomplish something with the least amount of stress the better.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear the plants have started putting out DW.
I have no skills in seed production but as above, messing with the light schedules is the usual way hermies show. Just be careful with that pollen.


Active Member
been thinkin bout buyin a pc box all setup but with a co2 system its about to cost me $1100 bucks... how much did u have to shell out for ur setup? great work by the way...


Well-Known Member
rho and v thanks for the comments. rho i got the pc case free um i have the reciepts for everything so i may post a list later but i send less than 200 dollars on it and it works great. i dpnt thionk you need to spend 1100 thats overkill. its like a glorafied version of mine. i say build your own but if your the lazy and rich then buy one.


Well-Known Member
thanks josh! yah i would be shattered. but if males i can collect pollen and then do some selective pollination so no biggy. ill be doing purple pine berry next its super purple. from leaves to stem to bud all purple.
hey LOVE ur grow but i need some help u have 23w cfls correct? i had 3 26w cfls that give off 1750 lumsn each but one broke:( and i have only 2 now:( i was wondering how many lumens do u have in total? and do u think ill bne good if i add one or 2 13w cfls that give off 800 lumens each?


Well-Known Member
hey green thumb thanks for the comment yes im using 23watt 2700k. im using 4 of them and each one gives off 1600 lum. so if you did the 8 watts it would give you one 23 watt pretty much. but if you have room for 2 more bulbs go with all 23 watts, the more lumes the better. i have an update coming in 5 min.


Well-Known Member
Day 38- 30Apr/09 - Plants
4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 82.4F

Pics 1-4: heres plant 1 looksing great! tons of new growth coming from the top and those lower branches are coming in fast if been pruning ran leafs so the branches can get light the plants dont seem to mind. some of those new lower branches are getting long and i was woundering if i should tie them down aswell? i also started flowering nutes with this sign of sex yet...

Pics 5-9: plant 2 is really getting its shit together lots of new growth coming in on the top those lower branches are quickly coming in. its doing great. been roming fan leaves to get some light on those branches it doesnt seem to mind at all. will start flower nutes next watering. still no signs of sex

