First time post! Need some plant help/advice asap!

White Rhino clone bought from local grower at about 10 inch.
I recently transferred it from the cup it was given in into a 5gal bucket with fox farm ocean breeze as soil( same as previous grower). and its been 4 days already.
Lighting = 3 cfls at 85 actual watts each(I know there not the best but they're all I have) (this is my first grow)
Schedule= 24/0
Nutes= At first i used a very small amount(only used one time w/water) of 10-15-10 until i realized foxfarms had most of what she needed (I hope).
Humidity= 45+ (my gauge isn't the most reliable)
The top of my plant looks super healthy and the leaves are looking great
The middle is where Im having most of my trouble as you can see from my pics, the tips are curling in and yellowish brown spots are forming, and the feel/look dry.
Some of the lower leave tips are browning but the rest of it looks fine.

Advice anyone?



Well-Known Member
Im really new here but have read alot, It looks like you have a nute deficiency. The bown spots in pic one are your best clue to the problem. Pic 3 looks like a bit of over watering.

I have a few questions for you...
*What type water are you using?
*What is the ph your using?
*Did the clone look the same when you got it?

The bible also says...

Your plant may be experiencing nutrient lockout. There are a number of factors that can cause this problem. Lock out occurs when the plant cannot access a nutrient or a group of nutrients. This could be caused by the absence of nutrients (a deficiency) or by a chemical reaction in the medium/solution, chich either causes a toxic substance to block the roots or the chemical properties of the other nutrients. As you can see, this is a very broad subject matter. Ph problems can lockout nutrients also. The wrong soil type can also cause nutrient lockout. Under the right conditions, even water can cause lockouts. But this is not common.


Well-Known Member
indeed^^^^^, just water for the next couple of times, I am sure your medium has nutes in it anyway. If the problem persists give it a feed with micronutrients, or try to feed with some products containing myccorhizae which helps your roots take up nutrients.

good luck. DST


Active Member
fox farm is loaded with nutes i give my veggin plants at least a month after transplant b4 i give em anything
I have a few questions for you...
*What type water are you using?
*What is the ph your using?
*Did the clone look the same when you got it?

Im using water from one of those purifying machines, and the ph seems to be fine at about 6.5 but
it didnt look as bad as it does now when i got it.

Thanks for the advice ill give it a try


Well-Known Member
It is probably a deficiency from the plant it was cut from. If you cut from a sick mother, simply cloning it doesnt fix the origional problem. If it had a deficiency, it probably still does.

I just started having a similar problem. I just switched from my well water (200ppm and pretty hard) to RO water. I asked Advanced Nutrients (there tech line) if I needed to add cal/mag to my water, they said no, that If I used there base nute I was ok. I believe there wrong.

*In photo 1 and 3, the photo shows wilting due to overwatering (or a watering condition, im going to guess overwatering). Photo 1 shows signs of magnesium deficiency by the spots on the older fan leaves. We know this deficiency is that of a "moble nutrient" because it is the older leaves showing the physical damage. They older leaves are able to help out the young leaves by feeding them (mobily) with there stored nutes. Once there storage is depleted they show signes of the deficiency (if it were the younger leaves we would know the deficiency is that of an immoble nutrient).
*Photo 4 is much different story, but I dont have enough experience to hep with what its cause is. I am doing some testing (since I have extra space in my garden) and have 2 seeds that look the same as this photo. But it didnt start until I swapped the water?

For my problem I am going to start with adding cal/mag and making sure my ph is in good range.

I dont have much experience so I cant really suggest anything. Just figured I would relay the info I have?

What ppm is your water?