First time poster, please be gentle!


Active Member
Been reading threads here and there for the past few days. I get my card on the 10th of June and I'm anxious to get started but have a million questions and I'm really hoping someone reading this doesn't mind pointing me in the right direction. I'll just list some of my important questions first and then moe on if I get some answers :)

I plan on doing my first grow ever outdoors. I live in NorCal. Here we go:

1. Is it too late for me to start June 10th?
2. I need a guide that someone here has personally used to start with for outdoor grow. I want to keep this EXTREMELY basic.
3. Can you please list every single thing I'm going to need from start to finish so I know what this will cost me.
4. I've been seeing a lot of different terminology that I'm new to so if someone can point me to the direction of a thread explaining basics, that would rock.

I truly hope to become a big part of this community so hopefully I can get this off the ground and I'm praying I'm not too late to start!

Thanks a ton!

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
just wondering if your going to be doing a backyard grow or a geurilla grow out in the bush. im assuming geurilla so here we go.
its probably too late to start in june unless your using a quick strain (typically indica) that or it will just start flowering without vegging too much
as for a really basic guide i could run you through it i guess or if you have a spare 10 minutes read this it has EVERYTHING you need to know

1. find a really hard to find location that gets alot of sun during the day and is close to a water supply
2. soil, this is the crucial part, ive read that better soil can increase your yield by 2-10 times, what i have done with outdoor grows is i make up big 30 litre bags of stuff to make the existing soil better, heres my recipe 50%compost 25% worm castings 25% sphagnum moss or perlite then add some bone meal, blood meal and lots of water storing polymer crystals. then i just take one bag for each plant and mix it with the soil at the site so it has 60 lites of great soil.
3. security, you will want to keep out deer and other animals, i just make a chicken wire fence, keeps out ALL animals. DO NOT make a booby trap, k just dont
4. water, the water storing crystals in the soil should mean you only need to water it every 1-2 weeks, give each plant 1-2 gallons per week.
5. ferts, depend on budget etc. you can just use regular tomatoe fert if your on a tight budget, has all the right stuff and for flowering just add some pot-ash lots of phosforus for flower growth or you can go all out and get some hydroponic ferts
6 harvesting, i hope you already know what to do from here on in
7. supplies, shovel, hoe, soil ammendment (read on if you dont know what this is) seeds/clones, pack, chicken wire for fence

it is really that easy, just tend to your garden every 10-14 days and you will have heaps of top quality bud, you can also do lots of other things to increase yield like topping or fimming
as for terms just post what you dont know and i'll reply clearing it up


Active Member
Aussie oz grower. Thanks a ton for your reply.

No this will be a backyard grow. I will be doing this legally and sticking to my 6 plant maximum.

Basically, I need to know if it's too late to start it now. Can I buy seeds or can't I buy babies from a dispensory as I'm starting a bit late in the season.

If I can buy babies and it's not too late, I guess I'll just need to find a soil mixture and setup my area.

I can tend to my garden multiple times a day and 7 days a week so watering shouldn't be an issue. I will be doing it by hand as I want to keep the cost very low for this first time around.


d.s.m. I knew that question would get someones attention :) Basically, confirm this for me:

1. Babies
2. Pots
3. Soil mixture
4. Water (I was told rain water is good but I likely won't be able to just use this only, can I buy gallons from store and what kind)
5. Chemicals (in case I run into a problem?)
6. Scissors and storage tubs for curing

Am I missing anything that is common?

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
thats pretty much all you need, with the water tap water should be fine as long as it doesnt have too much chlorine in it- try adding liquid fish alot of people have been saying it is the bomb that or another type of fert its up to you, you could probably start now with clones, if your tending to them alot they will probably do alot of growing in time for the switch to flowering although i would get a mostly indica or hybrid just to be on the safe side, have fun and i hope it all goes to plan


Active Member
Ok cool. Anyone else? I'll give this a day for some more replies just to get a better idea. Basically, I'm wondering if it's too late in the season to start outdoors and will I need any other supplies? I live in Norcal. The weather is supposed to get amazing in the next week or so.


Active Member
Aussie oz grower. Thanks a ton for your reply.

No this will be a backyard grow. I will be doing this legally and sticking to my 6 plant maximum.

Basically, I need to know if it's too late to start it now. Can I buy seeds or can't I buy babies from a dispensory as I'm starting a bit late in the season.

If I can buy babies and it's not too late, I guess I'll just need to find a soil mixture and setup my area.

I can tend to my garden multiple times a day and 7 days a week so watering shouldn't be an issue. I will be doing it by hand as I want to keep the cost very low for this first time around.


d.s.m. I knew that question would get someones attention :) Basically, confirm this for me:

1. Babies
2. Pots
3. Soil mixture
4. Water (I was told rain water is good but I likely won't be able to just use this only, can I buy gallons from store and what kind)
5. Chemicals (in case I run into a problem?)
6. Scissors and storage tubs for curing

Am I missing anything that is common?

yes you are.

Wheeler man

Active Member
Go get your clones today! Get some CFLs,and get them vegging.I would keep them inside under the CFLs till the weather gets better.This way,they can get a jump start before you put them outsude.They might not get huge,but you'll have a little something.If you can buy teens that would be WAY BETTER.Fish Emulsion,Liquid seaweed are a couple cheep,but great Nutrients for your plants.There is alot more,But here is 1 more big thing in my book.USE GOOD SOIL!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Moteasah you have a lot more reading to do if you wanna get into this years grow. Just having a list of what you are going to need isn't going to save you when you start running into issues. You can pull it off but READ, READ, READ! And when you think that you understand it... Read some more! :D That's the best advice that I can give you being a new grower myself. :) Good luck!


Active Member
yes you are.
Well thanks for your valuable feedback. I'll be sure to add that stuff you mentioned to my list.

Moteasah you have a lot more reading to do if you wanna get into this years grow. Just having a list of what you are going to need isn't going to save you when you start running into issues. You can pull it off but READ, READ, READ! And when you think that you understand it... Read some more! :D That's the best advice that I can give you being a new grower myself. :) Good luck!
Give me a few links to read and I gladly will. There are hundreds of threads here and I have no idea where to start.

Do I NEED to start indoors under lights? That's probably a total amature question but hey guess what, I'm new to this hobby.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I can't give you the links that you need to read. You are going to have to piece the info together from what you have read and ask questions based on that. That is going to get you the best results. I don't think that ANY of us here have been given a step by step to grow and if we did I assure you that we had to do MORE research to understand what the guide was saying. :) I have been here a year and have a couple of grows under my belt but I still wouldn't consider myself a "grower" I am a hobbyist. :D


Well-Known Member
Moteeasha: Last year I started my first ever legal outdoor grow in my back pasture with 3 clone starts about 8 inches tall the first week of July. I used good soil, watered with Alaska fish liquid and a touch of backstrap molassas. I chopped them the third week of October. One plant was over 6 feet tall the other two between 3-4 feet tall. After they had dried and cured I ended up with close to 1 1/2 pounds of VERY good quality stuff. I had a train wreck and two blue berry strains. Mine clones have been in the ground about three weeks already on this years grow. You cant\'t read enough on the subject, but also situation will vary from what you read a little. You have the luxury or being able to see them daily and monitor them. For me..I check on mine twice a week when I water...I'm on irrigation so they get river water..I just let it sit out a few hours before I water so the roots don't get hit with 40 degree water.


You don't need to start indoors under lights, but lots of people do because it allows you to get them stronger before pushing them into the great outdoors thus you'll likely have greater success.

This is also my first grow and I have not asked anybody a single question yet, just pure research. Any question I have regarding growing I either google it or search these forums.... there is a wealth of info out there. Not that there is really anything wrong with asking questions, it's just people can't/don't want to tell you everything that you can find by simply browsing.


Well-Known Member
it's just people can't/don't want to tell you everything that you can find by simply browsing.
Not only that. The information that we give you may not work for your situation. Climate, strain, prep, knowledge of the medium...... Soooo many factors that it's impossible to give him a step by step.


Well-Known Member

1. Babies
2. Pots
3. Soil mixture
4. Water (I was told rain water is good but I likely won't be able to just use this only, can I buy gallons from store and what kind)
5. Chemicals (in case I run into a problem?)
6. Scissors and storage tubs for curing
#1 bales of organic soil
#2 soil amendments (perlite, epsom salts, and gypsum)
#3 a shovel
#4 pot plants
#5 patients.
#6 scisors and a GLASS JAR.

STORE YOUR WEED IN GLASS. it keeps the taste, moisture content and quality of the smoke high. plastic fucks everything up.

oh and BTW without door growing you dont have 2 realy do anything..... other than water and watch them.....


Active Member
You guys are the best. I'm have a thread here and a thread at another place getting some awesome results. I will be reading tons more and going from there. I'll be backkkkkk :) Thanks everyone!