First Timer - few questions


New Member

I've done a lot of research and own a few books but its like pregnancy you cant be too prepared for the real thing!

So here's what Ive got goin on -

June 10th I got my seedlings into dirt (pre germinated in the house). I wasn't prepared for how quickly the tails would emit from the shells so in quick haste they went into the only available pots I had (very small, I'll post a pic below) [Side note, from more research I see that one inch above the dirt means two inches of root so I will definitely be attempting to transplant into bigger pots tomorrow].

Here we are 10 days later and from what I've see my plants should have at least three sets of true or serrated leaves. Right now there are only 2, not including the initial round set of leaves. At the same time, I'm noticing that the initial round leaves have started curling up towards the lights (I'll explain my lights in minute) while the sets of true leaves are beginning to droop (again from research, I'm seeing that could be due to over watering a common mistake. SO I will monitor that).

Lights - I use CFLs, mainly from a cost perspective and the maneuverability. I have 4 lights surrounding the plants, two of which are about 8 inches above the plants on one side (think of it as 9 o clock), 1 CFL in the 1 o'clock position at the same level as the plants about 3 inches off to the side, and the last at the 5 oclock position - same level and distance as the other. These last two lights were added yesterday in an attempt to add more lumens, heat, and to get light a little closer to the plants.

So the issues i THINK I have here are:
1. pot size
2. over watering
3. light placement

Can anyone confirm this from the information given and the pictures as well?

image 1 and 3 are the same
image 2 and 4 are the same

no crazy coloration just the droop and reach
