First Timer grow report


Well-Known Member
Whats up all
So i am growing for the first time let me know what you guys think here are some pictures:weed: i am open to any opinions, started to flower (12/12 light) on the 10/05/08
I got a question to you all, how much bud do you think i will get from these 2 plants?

The soil i am using came from my friends moms garden she makes her own compost, and i been given them miracle grow plant food

Pictures from today



Well-Known Member
nice, I would def put your lights closer next time though.

I look forward to a harvest report! How much longer do you think before then?


Active Member
Try adding some lights to the sides. So not only your top cola gets light. Adding more lights may make the bud bigger. GL bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks all
Well i am not sure what kinda of strain this plant is one of my friends brought some bud over and i found 3 seeds on his bag so i tried to grow them and 2 made it :bigjoint:
Got a questions for you guys should i harvest when most of the hairs turn brown?are at eight weeks?how do i know when is time to harvest?

I am so exited this grow is going good been smoking pot for 10 years and i always thought it was super hard to grow weed
My next grow its going to be more plants and i am defiantly investing some money on better lights :joint:


Well-Known Member
awesome man! having the room you have some other lights will def be better alternatives. they say you can run those cfls an inch away from your plants so obviously you have some additional foliage that could be getting more light. Not bad though.

I'm pretty suprised that it isn't root bound, they seem to maybe be 1-2 gallon containers? I remember my first grow i only planted one and it was only 2 feed tall in a 1 gallon container. It turned to be male but i kept growing for shits and giggles and it got real droopy and sick looking. When I took it out of the pot it was so root bound i couldn't believe it made it as long as it did.

Make sure you give a harvest report when your done!

edit: as far as the harvest your going to want to check the trichomes, depending on the high you want (head high, couch lock, mixture of the two) cloudy trichomes: head high. cloudy/50% amber: mixture. majority of the trichomes and hair amber: couch lock. It also seems you have saltiva strain so it is going to be head high dominant. I'm sure someone can give a better example or more experience on harvesting, but thats a general rule of thumb i believe.


Well-Known Member
ImissAtari thanks man i cant wait to smoke these girls lol:bigjoint: so i was talking with a friend and he told me not to cut the hole plant down he said i should leave some of the plant so it will keep growing and i could go back to veg state with them, will that work? and if i do that i will be putting them in bigger pots:bigjoint: should of done that long time ago lol

Man i am already planning my next grow and a friend of mine is getting me 2 clones of some plant he's growing and i am getting some other strains from the club

I want to invest some money on lights What kind should i get for the veg state? i am going to get HPS for the flowering or should i use HPS for both Veg and Flowering?
Here are some pictures i took today
Changed my setup :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
really like to help you out bro but im not a big lighting expert, i will concede to someone else on that.


Well-Known Member
I just read in a other tread that is good to use metal halide for veg and HPS for flower thanks any way

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
it looks like alum. foil i've read mylor or emerg. blankets from home depot are the way to go to help reflect light


Well-Known Member
So i changed up my setup i got HPS lights on the plants for about 2weeks and got better reflector on the wall and put them on bigger pots let me know what you guys think i am on week 10 of flowering been looking at the trichomes and i noticed that i have half amber and half cloudy here are some pics.
I got a question how long can i flower her for? i was thinking another 2 weeks
