first timer !!


hello sizong here im a first time poster and first time grower. well with the exception of growing a really shitty male plant.
i am posting to show you all what i have done so far and would appreciate any feed back .. possitive or negative (with in moderation).
i shal post some pictures also. the seeds i started with were given to me and were from some pretty good smoke. not too sure the breed but there lookin great.
i just have a few issues with some leaf wilting and burning. i have read most if not all of the stuff on here about identifying the leafs.



just a little help from some of the pro's on here im thinking it could of been from over watering them but i have let the pots go dry, according to my water meter.
im not asking for everyone to help me just if you come across my thread put in your two cents. i know its not a huge gow but its just for myself.. thank you

jonny sizong


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
looks like heat to me. from the pics it looks like some of the leaves are touching the lights. yes not watering enogh will curl like that.don't let the soil dry out as much. when you stick your finger in up to the 2nd knuckle and its dry themwater. goodluck


Well-Known Member
Looks like some over watering to me. What are you using for nutes, too many could be causing the burnt leaves. The pic at the top looks the the CFL might be too close, could just be the angle, cfl's will do damage to the leaves if they are too close.


yeah the one leaf that looks really burnt is cuz of the lights. right now im using a water soluble bloom booster (name unknowen cuz im at work). u guys dont think im using too much light do you ? i know that kinda sounds silly but its possible... i personaly dont think so because the hps is only a 70w. but i have purchased a 150w hps to give them a hand, would that be over kill? and this morning when the meter said dry i wattered my plants. the ph in the soil was 5.7 wich is good. the temp is abot 75-78 humidity around 30.. if that sounds correct. thank you all so much for your help. growing for me has become an addiction ... more than smoking it .. well with in reason but i have more respect for growers and more respect for the product it self.

j. sizong


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
no just back them off the plants about4 to 6 inches. you should be ok then. oh and they do look good they be just fine. hang in their and keep them green.
i say more lights


Well-Known Member
Don't ever worry about having too much light it's almost impossible, You might get to the point that it's not worth adding more light but too much light you are going to have to try hard.


i am sure form the pictures i have seen of your leaves that you need to sort out your lights man......if you have had burning then curling then its your lights.


i am sure form the pictures i have seen of your leaves that you need to sort out your lights man......if you have had burning then curling then its your lights.

your light setup is awful need a good light coming down onto your plants a decent fan for circulation and regular watering times and amounts

those bulbs i saw were just awful mate ditch them

we're using one 250 hps dual-spectrum
400 hps dual-spectrum
600 hps dual spectrum

and theres loads of light and they love it
but they are all at the same height and same light cycl;e they never get messed with

you need to do something similar