First Try.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Hey there, im a little late in starting my journal but better late then never.

So far, Mid february i germinated 4 seeds. 2 of them actually took off. The strain should be sour diesel (at least that what the guy i got the seeds from said). I let them grow indoors in 1 gal pots with potting soil and a south facing window for light. Let them grow indoors till may then i transplanted then to an undisclosed location about 2 hrs b4 sunset. They hardly went through a shock phase. about a month before i put them outside sex was determined, one male and one female, this seems really early (maybe the 12/12 6 month b4 budding???). anyway i need tons of seeds for my "project" next year so every now and then i would tear of some pollen sacks and wack the female with it, and dont ya know ive taken 4 seeds off of the female before june! and im growing one of those seeds right now =] The female (ill name her soon) is about 2 ft right now and quite bushy. its having some problems with its leaves, ill show yall later. the soil its in right is very clay like.

I'll have pics up soon! feel free to comment =P

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Ok heres the pics. now some of the leaves curl upward, odd. and some look like bugs have been feasting!

I wrapped some copper wire around the base cos have found these little slug things on my leaves!

Took my shirt off cos it blended in with the background so well, think it helped?

And this is the seed i took from it, im surprised 2 generations in one year :')

Thans for looking guys. let me know what u think. =]

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Oh cool dude, its a wonder nobody gets cought growing there
and naa man im in the middle of the state, small town grow..
do you got any advice for growin in this state?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
okay, heres the big one in its new home, i give it a 30% chance of survival.

And heres the little one, i put it outside, but with a screen as to deter the bugs, i think it will work...

ill bet luck if the big one survives, let alone makes a few grams but oh well... and my money is on the little one, im homing to get an oz. off her wish me luck


Active Member
Looks like you have some pest my friend try puttin screens around the bigger ones
may see some difference

love the grow man its always nice to see some plants outdoor when the season up there

love to watch this grow

Dolce Vita

Active Member
thanks guys, yeah if i get a gram of the big one ill be happy... my hopes lie with the small girl in the cage :hump:

Dolce Vita

Active Member
alright you guys, the bad news is i just went to check om my big plant, it was dead. must have been a combination of bad soil/rain/transplant and bugs, but i learned alot from her, she tought me a lot, being my first plant and all.

the good news is the seed i got off of her, that plant is growing good, still in the screen as to keep bugs away. shes about 10' tall. would like about an O off her if i can manage it... not going to use nutes with her.

pretty sad first grow but im gearing toward indoor as soon as i graduate from college in 1 - 3 years... ive got a secret plan for next year tho big secret outdoor grow! ;)

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Okay my little one vegged outside and got to about 2 feet. i want the think to flower asap so i built a 1'x1'x3' grow box and 4 23 watt 2700k cfl's with 2 12 volt pc fans.

i attempted to LST them but i ended up supper-cropping them

again comments and suggestions are 100% welcome


Dolce Vita

Active Member
Well adding to the already terrible first grow, i thing this plant is a male... i hope its not and heres some pics but damnit i think it is :wall: might have to just make it into butter. :hump:

and this is a bong i made out a gin bottle and an aluminum arrow :hump:

well i guess my luck stinks this year. so wish me luck next time, hopefully i got all the newbieness out of me.