Fish tank sea"weed"?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I started this as a new thread from a comment.
I was thinking, I have a saltwater fish tank and in it grows 2 different forms of macro algae. One is green and thin the other is red and looks similar to kelp. It grows very rapidly and feeds on phosphates and Nitrates (which are negative in a marine aquarium). I have to pull a bunch out now and then to keep it from overtaking my tank. If I let this stuff rot into liquid, in a mini-compost which I have already done (takes only days) would it be a good fert? I just thought, my protein skimmer removes all sorts of organics from the water and collects in liquid form in a cup... this might be even better. I have never treated the tank and only use org. food, but I do add instant ocean salt, and add elements and minerals like cal., iodide and strontium which is a concern for "pot"ential fertilizer. Would these organics contain enough salt water to harm my plants? What do you guys think?
i have used fish emulsion and have had success with it, seaweed emulsion is basically the same minus a few macro nutrients. i have heard of people using seaweed from the beach, so the salt shouldnt hurt your plants

desert fox

Well-Known Member
yep you can use it. I am not sure on the NPK ratios. Your saltwater plant don't consume salt. The only plant I would stay away from using is the Halimedia plant. Just cuz it thrives in low Nitrate and Phosphate. I guess it would be good for Mg and Calcium, but its more of a decrotive plant that wouldnt be ran in your fuge. just rinse it well, let it dry out and grind it into power form or mix with water. You can use your skimmate too but it will contain some salt.


Well-Known Member
lol. I made the same post about my fresh water fish tank... it's over crowded, so i have to change water a lot - figured id just start watering the plants with it rather than sending it down the drain. :P

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use saltwater...I currently have an algae bin going...just well water, a 60gal.dual nozzle air pump, and a little(tiny bit) eath juice and compost tea...all the varmints including tubuc & chuck come up on the deck to drink the algae water, skipping the straight water. I use it exclusively for seedlings. when it get's to lookin' like a luzianna bayou, I hit the garden with it. I save a little in the rubbermaid bin to seed more's cyannobacteria- used to make commercial fertilizer. I think it gives the plants easy nutes, especially nitrogen. I should get minnows for more fert' action, and mosquito control.