Fishing and hunting


Well-Known Member
went fishing with my dad today and caught these....

biggest one was 18 inches
Nice fish. i live on the coast so the beach is across the road from my house I go spearfishing every weekend. No scuba just freediving.
I got a nice tuna and kingfish on sunday :) Lots of sharks too but ive never had the balls to try shooting one...supposed to taste good though.


Well-Known Member
Any of you guys consider using fish for fertilizer for your plants? I sometimes catch fish that aren't really good for eating, and they are my catch for the day sometimes and thinking of using them to fertilize my plants lol

haven't been fishing lately though because I am trying to empty out my freezer from all the venison I have in there.

[email protected]

Active Member
Headed for the lake. found out they planted a bunch of 10 pounders for this big trout durby they have going this weekend. The weather focast looks good all weekend too.
If nothing else it will be fun.


Well-Known Member
i went fishing all day yesterday and cought 27 crapie and 4 Lm bass and 6 flathead cat fish ,one of the crapie was 2lbs 7ozs ,it was only 6ozs from the lake record.