Florida grow issue

Last week the plant was completely green and this week it is starting to turn yellow from the ground up. There are also white streaks on a few of the leaves. I would have to assume that it is Nitrogen deficiency but im no expert by any means. What do y'all think or recommend? I have used an organic soil mix with the native soil found at the site (a dark rich soil full of earthworms.) I have used one application of miracle grow vegetable plant grow about two weeks ago and that has been it as far as chemicals go. It is in an area where it gets a lot of sun and wind. Also, should i wait until the days start to get shorter and allow it to flower on its own or manually induce flowering by cutting the sunlight to the 12 hours?


Po boy

Well-Known Member
hello fl grower - your plant looks great - the lower yellowing leaves is normal: all useful nutrients from those leaves have been used by the plant.

the streaks through the leaves are leaf miner. these are small insects the feed in the area between the top and bottom of a leaf. pick the most damaged ones and discard in a trash bag (don't throw on ground) by doing this you should be able to control the pest until harvest without having to use chemicals.

good luck
me fl also
Thanks for the info. So should I just let nature take its course and let it flower when the days are shorter in september rolls?


Well-Known Member
Po boy is right on. Yes let it flower on its own. You can do outdoor in fl all year if you're out of the frost zone.