Florida Growers Thread


Active Member
DEA just busted a house 3 doors down from my girlfreinds place.Its not even a mile from where i live. The guy living there had the whole 2nd floor lit up like a christmas tree.all the windows on the 2nd floor are busted out from flash bangs n stuff and the front door got kicked in now the front door has a rain shutter covering it. No movement in the house since thursday(the day of the raid). neighbors said when the police started making entry and busted out the windows the house looked like the sun was in there. super bright.No one in the neighbor hood really knows whats going on since no one was close or even talked to the guy/ familly that got raided but our guess is that he was getting careless.supposeblly he had u-haul trucks coming in every 3 months and only went to that house in the late night.My guess is he was runing a shit load of equipment sucking the juice outta the house or someone in the neighorhood snitched. the neighborhood is active,everyone knows each other. he had to have had a shit load of 1k watt h.i.d's cuz it wsa brightttttt as fuckkk!!!


Active Member
I dont have nothing to worry about rite? im only growing 2 small plants with cfl's lol. im just getting paranoid since its soooooo close to home.


Well-Known Member
nah man you shouldnt have anything to worry about although i know what your talking about paranoia the DEA only goes after big growers that are careless like you just mentioned they cant really go around trying to bust every little closet and growcab in town growing a few pot plants they just dont have the recourses or the man power so you should be fine.


Active Member
i call her a she because thats all i have hope for, but im ready to expect the worst. anyway, about 7wekks into veg in this hot ass florida sun that she loves so very much. so many side branching and budsites. no preflowers yet since i heard SAtiva Dom takes longer. i just want to know if the close up on the branching is alternating nodes meaning it is mature and will start to flower? and some advice, tips, and comments.
thanks dudes.


Well-Known Member
i call her a she because thats all i have hope for, but im ready to expect the worst. anyway, about 7wekks into veg in this hot ass florida sun that she loves so very much. so many side branching and budsites. no preflowers yet since i heard SAtiva Dom takes longer. i just want to know if the close up on the branching is alternating nodes meaning it is mature and will start to flower? and some advice, tips, and comments.
thanks dudes.
Just looking at those thumb nails, that plant is ready to flower, mature for sure man, kudos, good luck!


Active Member
dude i really hope to see those little white pistils coming out of my baby within 2 weeks. your plant looks sick man!!!! nice grow

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
heres my girls at day 62 and things are going good, buds are budding and looking great, the smell is unreal when the lights go off, but i love it, LoL. well i put the clones in the soil today. i took a knife and made slits in the mesh like covering on the peat pellets and set them in the soil and gave them some water. lets hope they make it.


Active Member
Concord Dawn, plz help me out with my box.yours look legit. mine is 4.5 cubic feet. ventilation and lighting are done for now till flowering when i will upgrade.stay around 84 degrees in the box.i sprayed the inside flat white.im going to veg 2 plants in here about 1 and a half feet. then im going to take one plant out and scrog the other in here. im building a diy reflector hood for my lamp.+ im going to add homemade c02 generator.

What else do i need? i cant think of anything else as of rite now.

pic of the exhuast and intake

this is my lil door


Active Member
hey got a question????? im in west palm and its hot as fuck everyday like 93 errday!!! my plants love that shit but drink up their water pretty fast, i have to water twice a day, is it better to water in the morning (which is what i do), or at sunset????


Active Member
water them in the night. water sitting on leaves act like a magnifying glass and burn the leaves up. all the plants in the the garden in the front of my house are burnt up from me watering in the morning when its really hott.


Well-Known Member
hey got a question????? im in west palm and its hot as fuck everyday like 93 errday!!! my plants love that shit but drink up their water pretty fast, i have to water twice a day, is it better to water in the morning (which is what i do), or at sunset????
Both. It's best to water at the beginning or end of the day simply because it isn't still so hot and the plant retains the water given to it better (less evaporates). I like to water at night just before bedtime for the plants, that way nothing evaporates and the plants have plenty of time to get a good drink before the lights come back on and start contributing to the evaporation.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey rasta, heres some pics of all my fans in the box, my temps run about 84/86. it took me a while to get an even flow, i dont think the cfm's really matter that much with these computer fans, its mostly trial and error. i have 2 intake fans and 4 exhaust fans, all of different sizes. as far as the lamp reflector, i started out with n aluminum turkey pan, but found it to have to much heat build up under (trapping the heat) so i took it off. if there was way to keep it cool, the turkey pan would work great.



hey got a question????? im in west palm and its hot as fuck everyday like 93 errday!!! my plants love that shit but drink up their water pretty fast, i have to water twice a day, is it better to water in the morning (which is what i do), or at sunset????
yea Im West palm too..What I do is water in morning and get it good and soaked the plant as well, as alot of water is sucked in through plant itself. I have been watering only once a day but that may not work for you.


Represtentin from Coral Springs. I have a question do any of you know how i can get rid of spider mites on my plant? And how to prevent them? i dont have a camera so i cant take pictures.