Flourecent/how many help.


Active Member
can anyone help me out with this. im planning on growing from 10-20 plants indooras. and was planning on useing flourecent tubes for the lighting. but iom not sure how many watts i need to be suffecient for all the plants. can anyone help me out?:joint:


Well-Known Member
To make this quick and easy.. You can't do it. Unless your rich. I am growing 2 plants under 4x T5 HO full spectrum 6,500K bulbs. They are hydro gro quality at $28 each. Even with that I could use more. If you plan on growing 20, it would be MUCH cheaper to buy a metal Halide ballast and lamp for ~$300. Think my 4 lights to 2 plants would equal 40 lights for you, at $28 each is $1120. Good luck. If this is your first grow, see if you can grow just one or two. Indoors isn't as easy as its cracked up to be. Also if you do grow inside, tell no one. Even your brother. People rat to get attention for theirselves. I know from experiance, my first grow at 19 I had to call off because a friend told people at a party.


Active Member
what about if i had like 2- 150watt floresent tube lite just for like 5 plants, woudl that work?, is there any stores you can buy metal halide or other types that arent speacialty grow stores. thanks again mang


Well-Known Member
Well, let me be the first to admitt that I am NO PRO. But, I have been doing this for a few years, and have read a ton. Basically you can veg 5 plants on a few 150w tubes (didn't know tubes came that high in w, you mean a cfl?), but the light spectrum which may be suitable for the plants to veg will not be correct for flowering. Also flouros, while I use them and like them, simply do not put out the lumens needed for proper plant growth. The biggest question in regards to lumens per plant is how big is your grow room? If you paint your walls flat white or use mylar, and grow in a compact area, then you might be able to work with two flouros. If you are trying this in a closet, where the light can "run-away" from your plants, then you will be under-lit.
Either way five plants is alot more of a realistic goal with Flouro's and it can be done. If I were to grow five, I would check out "SunBlaze." They sale 4' T5 HO full spectrum tubes for ~$34. Two or three of those should be able to definatly get you started. Good luck in your endevore, keep us posted.