

Well-Known Member
depends how far into flower you are on pic a. looks like it could be 2-3 weeks you should be safe giving it flower nutes now at 1/4 strength the first feeding then stronger for the next feeding. pic b can still use veg nutes for a week maybe 2. but yes seems right


Active Member
depends how far into flower you are on pic a. looks like it could be 2-3 weeks you should be safe giving it flower nutes now at 1/4 strength the first feeding then stronger for the next feeding. pic b can still use veg nutes for a week maybe 2. but yes seems right
cool thanks dibbs that helps me out a lot


Active Member
Once you switch to bloom nutrients you also haft to also remember the plant still needs nitrogen to continue nice green growth.


Active Member
Gotcha. I've been using earth juice recipe.
. Messed up on the view points of flower and preflower .
I've done a Google cross reference "preflower vs flower cannabis " not much help.
Got it now. Hope i can keep them healthy in flower.

Flowering Recipes

Early stage flowering plants can often use a fair measure of nitrogen as they stretch . . . so a normal Earth Juice mix in early flowering will look pretty similar to a Grow mix . . . we like to use something along the lines of the following for the first couple weeks of flowering . . .

1 TBSP EJ Grow
1 TBSP EJ Bloom
1 tsp Catalyst (yeah we know - it’s Xatalyst north of a line from Seattle - Duluth - Niagra!)

As flowering progresses we forego the Nitrogen to let our plants use N reserves from the soil as they finish flowering . . . so mixing an Earth Juice Bloom formula can be as easy as . . .

1 TBSP EJ Bloom
1 tsp EJ Catalyst

For really hungry darlings we’ll go as high as 2 TBSP per gallon with the EJ Bloom . . . but pouring it on that heavy can burn light feeders . . . and even with heavy feeders it’s better to build up to stronger concentrations of EJ Bloom over time than to just start in at 2 TBSP per gallon right away as plants begin to flower. . .

....and we also have a bloom "micro-mix" that includes Meta-K and Microblast . . . it's used once in a blooming plant's life (or maybe twice in plant’s with a long flowering) . . . Like the growth “microblast mix” it gives an extra boost of Potassium and assorted micronutrients to make sure the plants will want for nothing!
The flowering micro-mix usually goes like this . . .

1 TBSP Bloom
1 tsp Catalyst
1 tsp ****-K
1 tsp Microblast

https://www.rollitup.org/nutrients/290174-earth-juice-anyone-use.html thread #9