flower too early?


Well-Known Member
So my girlfriends parents do not know i have a medical card and i was forced to put a blue tarp over my green house. 3 days it was on and figured it was ok because the enitre greenhouse was still bright inside just tinted blue from tarp being on.

Well i have clear hair balls on my plants. Its obvious they are flowering. Website says i have 14.5 hrs of daytime. Can i leave them alone without putting tarp on? Dont want them to reveg now for 2 weeks when they would normally flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm struggling to understand the question?! Why did you put a tarp over it in the first place?


Well-Known Member
First sentance in OP. I had to cover it up so family members would not see plants.

As of right now total daytime light is 14 and half hours.

My plants went into flower because i had the tarp on for few days and now i took the tarp off and want to leave it off. However, since plants went into flower i do not want to chance them revegging. Do you think they will reveg with the current 14 an half hour of daylight?


Well-Known Member
Its crazy. They are deff in flower an the blue tarp does nothing to block light lol. It was waste of money but it worked to stop people from looking while they were here.

Many of these plants had already revegged 2 months ago indoors so i guess they are easy to transition into flower? They had zero stretch an already balls of pistols. Has to be from the previous time they have to reveg

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Actually you want to cut them, but yeah if your plants are budding early cut/pluck them off. That's if you want them to bud in a few months, if your trying to delay the budding by a couple weeks then don't do that, increasing the sun light amount. If you do cut/pick(depending on size) make sure they're getting at much sun light as possible. Later when the 12/12hr cycle of Light and dark happen, they will automatically start the flowering process.
A really good book on growing I would recommend everyone to get is The Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes. (It goes through everything you could imagine)
The 12/12 doesn't apply to outdoors. You are giving an outdoor grower indoor advice.