Flower under florescent?


I have not started to flower yet but i was thinking about flowering under my florescent light or i have a 1000w high pressure sodium. Which should it be?


Well-Known Member
No Brainer...HPS!!!! You'll never get the Lumen Output in CFL as compared to the 1000w HPS... If you have the means do the 1000W, you'll be way happier and thankful you did!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok i guess i should've looked at the pic... 4 of the 54 T5 HO's lamps are equal to (1) 400W MH and with 8 you are close to 800W equivilant in Lumens... If you do choose the fluorescents i think you will def want to run predominent 2700K to get the warm tone for flowering... fyi: HPS is 2200K.


Well-Known Member
Well if you do the HPS it will def change your environment because they burn a lot hotter than fluorescent, but if you have an aircooled reflector and decent ventilation you'll be fine... i think you'll want atleast a 5x5 or bigger grow area for that 1000 watter... only do that if you are going to be able to maintain your temps because too hot is no bueno....


awesome feed back by the way. Just joined today and i am getting so much good stuff. That HPS has a aircooled reflector and great vent should work great then!


Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure... No worries i have learned a lot on here myself and once you start doing it yourself and trying diffeerent things you get an idea... in no way am i a master grower, but i know enough now to get me some decent smoke and try to help anyone i can with what i do know... best of luck.. oh and that plant looks way healthy too... you are going to have a monster on your hands under that 1000W HPS... i am way jealous. lol What strain is it? do you know?


I think I'm going to keep two under this light and the rest under the HPS. Hash plant and purple urkle.
i grew some purple urkle under those lights i hade 4 red and 4 blue the just didnt grow very tight ....they were loss buds but it was about 1 1/2 oz. right now i got some bag seed i got from a local grower and there looking tighter than last time so it just might that some strains grow better under these lights...spark it sparky


Ya. Since I can use both lights I can see just how much better the HPS really is.....ill post once I start to flower.