flowering 24/12

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Got some 5 week old feminized plants that were just put into flower. Ive wondered if i maintained 12 hours of darkness, if i cud increase the lights on period.
Well i already had a bunch of 7-day timers and set em up so lights are on 24 hrs then off 12 except sat and sun which are 12/12 (so that the schedule lines up and starts with 24hrs on, on monday).

Not really sure what will happen but we shall see :) this is 100% on a whim.
Any experience with this out there?
Regardless, "experts" and trolls alike, ill be doing this until success... Or hermies...

This is part of a perpetual grow in the process so i got 6 more plants 5 weeks in that ill be taking to 10. And a few more seedlings. Doin 70 days of veg and 70 days of flower. Hopefully by then, ill have a definitive answer... And no hermies!

Sir KK

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
One of my plants has had folded leaves and spindly new growth since conception . Its also my largest plant it jus looks like something is off.
image.jpg image.jpg
Not sure why thou. 1 other plant is like this but not as bad. Leaves are wrinkly too.

Ambient is 81F
Leaf temp ~78-79F
Humidity is whatever. Usually around 60+

Temps have been higher, humidty has been much lower. No difference

Fed very lightly (1/3 bottle reccomendation) twice a day, ph 5.2-5.8. Ive tried phing at 6.2, 6.0, 5.8, 5.6, 5.5, and 5.2. No difference.

I was feeding at full strength but got a lil tip burn. So i lowered the nutes to 1/4 and there were no issues. After a week i raised it to 1/3. No issues. Plants seem fine, growing right alog. Tallest plant is over 2 ft. They all were mainlined and topped (except the foldy one that i did nothing to as a control).

Guess it cud b nuthin/genetic. Plant jus looks like its asking for something >.<

Sir KK


Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Minor change of plans. I've decided to not have the wierd break so that my timer lines up and each week starts at 7am ON, mondays. Instead i will jus reset my timers once a week to keep the cycle flowing continously.

Sir KK

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
My money is on it staying in veg.
ive never done this through the grow but i know a few times a week will have no ill effects
Allow me to explain my logic.
Since i veg in 24/7 light. Tranisitioning to flower only requires 12 hrs of dark. So instead of shortening the amount of light, all i need is to increase the amount of dark. As long as they are getting the 12 hours of dark, they shud flower.

Worse case they'll jus keep vegging, at which point ill jus switch to 12/12. They shudnt hermie since the light cycle is constant and there are no interuptions in the dark cycle.

Im feeling quite confident. Plants have grown nicely this last week. AND unlike the typical stretch from suddenly shorting the light cycle and extending the dark, the plants seem to be more fast growing. Like a flower stretch/veg growth combo. I expect growth to increase even more from the extra light and becuae i transplanted them the day i flowered them so they still gotta fill there pots wit roots.

No exploding pistils yet. Another week or 2 and ill noe for sure if they are actually still flowering.
Cant wait :) pretty soon all yall will be tryna 24/12!
Someones gotta pave the way :P

Your welcome.

Sir KK

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You must be kidding me!

Let me address a few problems here and not in any particular order but I will start with the obvious glaring two!

Cannabis is a short day long night C3 plant. It does not require a dark period in veg to grow BUT,,,You get stronger root systems, healthier overall plants and solve your "odd" growth of the plant by having a lights out period! Here's the science....The plant has a point where the amount of light becomes too much for it to handle. It then begins to change on the cellular level to protect it's self from the light! Photosynthesis actually declines on what can be described as a "Bell Curve". Then at night (or during your lights out period) it reverts back to it's normal cellular activity and can fully utilize the available light for a period of time again (earlier than most people think) when it will again begin to "protect it's self". This also inhibits essential hormone production...I actually see it in the Sativa!

Give them a lights out time in veg. You will see a stronger, less stressed plant growth pattern...

ANY light exposure over daily bloom times will effect the length of, or onset of actual bloom! I don't care what your reasoning is for trying this.....It will be an epic fail! The plant will not even set into bloom! 24 hour lights on times will cancel out the bloom hormones the plant produces during the 12 hour lights out time. it will constantly be battling it's self and just get more stressed as time goes on.

The use of Co2 in veg is a waste of your time and money! The return benefit is not worth the cost! Co2 enrichment works for bloom as it allows more light to be available for use by the plant by the plant, thus "delaying" that decreasing photosynthesis period.....For some reason, this is not true for for vegging period at the same rate as bloom period!

I'll comment on your statement -
Regardless, "experts" and trolls alike, ill be doing this until success... Or hermies...
Sir KK
by saying. The information I just gave is that. INFORMATION! Do with it as you will.....But this is information I was taught in school!
Not to mention that you can read about bloom times and how it's done and why. In any basic growing book on MM!

With that said.

Good Luck :lol: :wall: :lol:


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
12/12 for MM is really not a "natural" bloom period. It's the point where the plant will induce bloom and set flower.
Try 11/13 and get quicker onset and tighter node spacing with a slightly shorter overall bloom period.
You will also get a healthier, less stressed plant.....I get higher yields at 11/13 then with 12/12!


Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
The information I just gave is that. INFORMATION! Do with it as you will...

With that said.

Good Luck :lol: :wall: :lol:

Yo yo Doc,
Nice of yu to come by and share some knowledge

I have ran many different light cycles and find that having the lights always on is my prefered.
I have read a few documents on "light saturation" for plants. They are what got me into the GLR for veg for awhile. Sweet cycle though i had some phenos try to flower and revert back throwing out single bladed leaves. Bleh.

Anyway, i had of course realized that i may just end up "spinning my wheels" but i see no harm in that. Plants will jus veg for an extra 2 weeks instead of have been flowering. At which point ill change the light schedule back to a normal flowering time. I normally flower under 11/13. Only reason im using 12 is because it works out better timer wise.. And math wise lol.

Co2 in veg for sure is pointless unless yur room is sealed like mine. I run mine at 1200ppm and its only there because my veg chamber is a tent in my flower chamber
Sucks cause i gotta hand water my veg plants twice a day and if i miss 1 they're bone dry by the time i get to em. The lights on feed is cake. The one right b4 lights out is the one yu cant miss haha.

I appreciate the advice though. Ima hands on type so i love to learn from my mistakes
Who wants to succeed all the time anyway lol.

Sir KK

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yo yo Doc,
Nice of yu to come by and share some knowledge

I have ran many different light cycles and find that having the lights always on is my prefered.
I have read a few documents on "light saturation" for plants. They are what got me into the GLR for veg for awhile. Sweet cycle though i had some phenos try to flower and revert back throwing out single bladed leaves. Bleh.

Anyway, i had of course realized that i may just end up "spinning my wheels" but i see no harm in that. Plants will jus veg for an extra 2 weeks instead of have been flowering. At which point ill change the light schedule back to a normal flowering time. I normally flower under 11/13. Only reason im using 12 is because it works out better timer wise.. And math wise lol.

Co2 in veg for sure is pointless unless yur room is sealed like mine. I run mine at 1200ppm and its only there because my veg chamber is a tent in my flower chamber
Sucks cause i gotta hand water my veg plants twice a day and if i miss 1 they're bone dry by the time i get to em. The lights on feed is cake. The one right b4 lights out is the one yu cant miss haha.

I appreciate the advice though. Ima hands on type so i love to learn from my mistakes
Who wants to succeed all the time anyway lol.

Sir KK
Thank you for your politeness and understanding..You've always been that way to me...I only gave information.....
Learning IS good and experiments are learning!

Have fun with it! ;-) :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
while i understand yiur thoughts, that simply wasnt the case. among clones i might add.

but i also disagree about running 11/13

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
while i understand yiur thoughts, that simply wasnt the case. among clones i might add.

but i also disagree about running 11/13
Clones, not so much - I do 24/7 on them too.....Only rooted, potted plants....

You may disagree with 11/13, but I'm right.....12/12 is unnatural for cannabis. 11/13 will express the genetic traits in the plant and it will have far less stress....Remeber, it is a short day - long night C3 plant....given less then 12/12 it simply preforms better and closer to it's genetic potential.....I have come to this belief along with some well respected breeders by actually doing it and comparing the results...

But please feel free to do as you like.....if it's good for you...then it's good for you.



Well-Known Member
Interesting light experiment KK, nice of you to post your results here. :clap: I've pulled up a chair.

I suspect your light schedule is too stressful for flowering plants, but WAY better to actually run an experiment and actually see what happens... maybe we can learn something from it.

Anyway, don't let the haters get you down and good luck! bongsmilie

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Interesting light experiment KK, nice of you to post your results here. :clap: I've pulled up a chair.

I suspect your light schedule is too stressful for flowering plants, but WAY better to actually run an experiment and actually see what happens... maybe we can learn something from it.

Anyway, don't let the haters get you down and good luck! bongsmilie
I don't see any "haters" here.....No one dissed him!

I have respect for KK.....He goes out and tries things = just to see what happens! Without that, where would growing be today?

I'm not hacking at you either,,,just saying!

Even while I feel I know the eventual out come....I'm rather curious to see just how they look as the time goes on.....
