Flowering after 1 week of planting wtf!!!


Well-Known Member
I've had them in some batmix soil 20/4 light schedule 400 watt hps thats about it. Obviously I'm only talking about the 3 in the 5 gal pots in the middle! I lsted them all as u can see


Active Member
Hmmm, I'm stumped then mate. Not sure what else would induce very early flowering apart from light scheduals and/or genetics.


Well-Known Member
I honestly thought an experienced grower was going to tell me thats why people have flower rooms and vegetable rooms.... But clearly not if you guys are stumped god knows I am lol. O well an early couples grams and 3 small very short life span plants i guess


Well-Known Member
The one and only auto grow I did the plant started showing flowers between week 2 and three and it was maybe 6-7" tall. At the time of harvest the plant wAs only 14" tall
Friend gave me the seed and I had no idea it was a auto, I don't hate them I just don't want to spend that much time growing something that gives me so little flower..


Active Member
Veg and Flowering rooms are just set up so they can have different light scheduals. veg = 18/6 flower = 12/12 . I have never heard of flwoering plants causing other ones to flower, but I am no biologist haha.


Well-Known Member
ok i hear you thanks, just my immediate assumption being I have a large lack of knowledge. thanks for clearing that up. And vegetative thanks ;)


Well-Known Member
The one and only auto grow I did the plant started showing flowers between week 2 and three and it was maybe 6-7" tall. At the time of harvest the plant wAs only 14" tall
Friend gave me the seed and I had no idea it was a auto, I don't hate them I just don't want to spend that much time growing something that gives me so little flower..
you say this and I understand but what confuses me even more is the huge ones at the back are autos too.. these ones have basically acted extremely different and its wierd the pink diesel (the furthest one to the left) changed at the same time too, ganja ghost in the house playing with my plants i think lol


Well-Known Member
Actually some so called auto's do require a shorter light cycle to flower but not a true auto in my view. So like are they 7 days or 14? I believe with an auto that is a big difference lol.


Well-Known Member
An Answer because the ones at the back are autos too, they hold a 8 - 10 week life span. So where does that leave me after just a week. It could be 1 - 2 weeks at the most but still... just thought I would share with everyone not desperate for anything. I've had them on 20/4
They r fine man my last autos showed sex at 2 weeks but didn't start to fully fud for another 3


Well-Known Member
I'm needing responses from non auto haters ^.

Preferably auto lovers...

No journals that I've read has an auto started to flower after 7 days of planting.
These are high quality AFK autos from WOS. Life expectancy 8 - 10 weeks. lol...
I'm definitely not an auto-hater. They have their uses and places. I actually believe ALL first time growers should grow a feminized auto alongside their photoperiod plants so they get a good feel of what flower/stacking/trichcome development and harvesting looks like. Definitely not an auto-hater.


Well-Known Member
you say this and I understand but what confuses me even more is the huge ones at the back are autos too.. these ones have basically acted extremely different and its wierd the pink diesel (the furthest one to the left) changed at the same time too, ganja ghost in the house playing with my plants i think lol
Each auto can be different just like non autos can be different.. Think of it like this, children are a result of mom and dads genes, so if you have a tall mom, good chance kids maybe tall or if dad was really short kids could be short. Only time you get a exact copy of mom and dad is via a clone.. Hope this helps??