flowering nute additions?


Active Member
My white widow is finicky with nutes. It seems that mine are mainly sensitive to nitrogen and not so much the P/K. They have freaked out with my feeding in flowering yet which they did every time I gave nutes during veg. I've been reading up more on nutrients and realized I am completely unprepared with what I have. I bought fox farm grow big and big bloom. Big bloom is all I have using and my plants seem to like it. I had been feeding every third watering for fear of the plant freaking out, but it seems I should just feed it 1/3 of my normal dosage but with every watering since the formula is organic and very lowly concentrated. I've found out that big bloom on its own is not enough and with spending all the money on the tent, large inline fan, filters and lights I don't want to skimp out of the nutrients and get buds not even close to their potential. What do you guys use for your flowering nutes? I was looking at spending a little extra and getting some of the canna line nutes but am unsure how I should go about doing this? Should I just get fox farm tiger bloom and then add canna pk 13 14 and cannaboost (is this the same as the big bloom?). Ive tried searching these and other forums and reading on companies websites but their feeding schedules never seem to go with what others are doing or more specifically white widow plants? What would you guys suggest? I am just ending the second week of flowering and my plants are coming good, I just feel with the right micro/macro nutes they could go soo much farther with the conditions I have them in (adding yeast co2 later this week as well). I'm looking to spend under $150 ideally under $100 but I figure the a little money now is more bud/better bud especially since I do not think I will grow again for a while or until I run out of this entire harvests supply which should be a long while.

so here are two options for the nutes:

option 1:
Big bloom (use very lightly every feeding)
canna boost (use very lightly with each feeding as well)?
canna flores (using every third or fourth watering)
pk 13 14 (not sure when or how long to use this. some say 2 weeks before flushing, some say around week 5 for 1-2 weeks, canna website says around week 3 or just at the start of fruiting)

option 2: (same feeding regimes as above)
big bloom
tiger bloom
canna boost
pk 13 14

any recommendations would help. My plant stats are:
20x32x62 grow tent
7 1 gal grow bags
435 cfm inline fan with carbon filter
2 6in fans circulating air
12/12 for almost 2 weeks (they were all sexed within 5 days)
currently only using big bloom around 3 tbs every third watering
plants around 15-20 inch tall and seem to be done growing taller

Since I'm two weeks in I am trying to order my nutes on monday to get started asap with them.


Well-Known Member
I use sensi grow and seni bloom both are a 2 part nute and work very well. My plants are in the 5th week of veg and just last week i started to add 2ml of a product called Bloombastic to every 2 litres of water. It was a very expensive additive at £45 for a 500ml bottle but the results are major. You add this at week 4,5,6 and maybe 7 if your plants are later bloomers.

I used this in my 2nd grow and the results were huge. The buds over doubled in size in the last weeks of flowering and in the flushing stage. I was recommeded a few products in the hydro shop but Bloombastic was the ducks nuts if you know what i mean. Do a Google search for Bloombastic. You won't be disappointed.

Good luck mate.


Active Member
I use sensi grow and seni bloom both are a 2 part nute and work very well. My plants are in the 5th week of veg and just last week i started to add 2ml of a product called Bloombastic to every 2 litres of water. It was a very expensive additive at £45 for a 500ml bottle but the results are major. You add this at week 4,5,6 and maybe 7 if your plants are later bloomers.

I used this in my 2nd grow and the results were huge. The buds over doubled in size in the last weeks of flowering and in the flushing stage. I was recommeded a few products in the hydro shop but Bloombastic was the ducks nuts if you know what i mean. Do a Google search for Bloombastic. You won't be disappointed.

Good luck mate.
I looked it up, seems to be similar to the pk 13 14 and the advanced nutrients hammerhead. Is most of what you used by advanced nutrients? I've heard a lot of good things about that company as well.


Well-Known Member
it is what was recommeded to me in my local hydo shop. There are so many brands out there these days it's hard to know. My view is... I don't go for the cheapest or the dearest everyday nutes just something in between, but i do spend money on a good flowering additive as this is the most important part of any grow and you've come to far to settle for 2nd best.

Your thoughts ???


Active Member
I agree, i spent a lot of time and money on all the equipment that I cant believe I didnt get my flowering nutes down as well. Its my first grow so its a little understandable, but i'd like to get a more complete line of nutrients going in the next week so I dont skimp on my results. if you are going to try and do it right you need to in all areas, once you go subpar in something such as light or nutes I feel the other fancy stuff you bought wont help as much as it could.


Well-Known Member
I like your thoughts... I have just finished the 1st week of curing my lowryder burbing them 2 - 4 times a day and it's really hard not to get a medium sized bud into the micro and roll a fat spliff, but again i've come this far and have over 2 oz of semi cured bud whats another 2 weeks ahh?

I lied.. I have tried some and it's fuck'n mad stuff.

I also have a lowryder swiss cheese in the grow room with about 3 weeks of flowering left resign everywhere can't wait to try some of this shit.


Well-Known Member
ive said it and ill say it again, the foxfarm Trio has always worked well for people ive talked to.

Although my strawberry cough are sensitive to it.. not sure why!


Well-Known Member
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieadd carbo load bud factor x and big bud mix in with your reg feeding program bam 30% more weight:joint::joint::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilieoh and rhino skin if u wanna spend the cash i would also highly recomend sensizyme i think thats how u spell it its all from advanced nutrients overdrive is a good one 2 i use all of the above and over doubled my weight compared to plants with out theses